
Seriously, what the fuck? Did they contract murals for the explicit purpose of driving people even more insane?

This one is seriously cool. Looks like something out of “Dune” (shut up, the production design on it is awesome) or a Guillermo del Toro-movie.

What I always wonder with these “he totally said [something overtly ridiculously wrong, like the actor’s real name that doesn’t sound a thing like the characters name or some such]” myths is this: - do we think they just shoot it on the day, then send the film roll right off to roll in the theaters?

Nice profile name, by the way, I get it.

We need to be very careful here - after all, the assertion that selfdriving cars are “too good” is essentially the same as your computer chiding you for having performed “an illegal action”.

Probably the latter, if I know my Googlers correctly...

“Humans - they’re so much bigger on the inside” - The Tardis, personified

This is obviously pretty cool - even though the demo doesn’t address things like field of view, and Dan is obviously moving pretty slowly and deliberately, no doubt in part so as not to throw his 3000-dollar headgear off and wreck it etc.

You know what, f*ck it - just put down “every single movie where a scientist shouts there’s no time for tests or something to that effect and proceeds to try some completely untested concoction/machine/combination thereof on himself”...

Also, how is this guy still so damned cheerful? Has he learned nothing?

Thank you! Oh, man, does that movie suck, stunning visuals notwithstanding. Also, 3D can fuck off.

Oh, you have no idea... often a producer or studio will simply have the fixation that a certain property or concept will be a success, and will declare a premiere date without a single word being on the page yet.

Yeah, OK - good video, but point of order, though: The critique of “CG just sucks” is the least interesting modern film peeve to address. It’s basically the troll version of a much bigger, much more relevant and much more interesting discussion about the difference, simply put, between pre- and post-production.

Yes, I know I wrote “CIWS systems”, which unfolds to “close-in weapons systems systems”. Shut up.

That’s one heck of an assumption, considering that, for example, we currently have algorithms running in the financial system which operate completely beyond human control or even understanding, massively impacting not just the financial markets, but the entire global economy, without an “off switch”... no, we’re more

I think it’s super-important to acknowledge that we do not, in fact, have to get into the realm of “real” or strong AI before autonomous weapons can become a problem. The only thing required for that, technically, is enough artificial agency on the part of the autonomous weapon - and that Godzilla threshold has been

Well, it isn’t my field anymore but I’m still close to it: - as a furniture maker I watched fairly closely as CNC machines entered the workshop.

See, that’s the thing: None of us can live if the group doesn’t live - we’re dependent on the group, and it on us, which is why we owe our best to it, because if everyone lives only for themselves the group eventually dies out.

I wasn’t even talking about Supes - I mean everyone; we all owe it to the world to do our best to be at our best. Not to be symbols but because we have to better than base instinct and self-preservation, simply because we - as sentient beings - know that it’s an option. We can pretend we don’t know, but only pretend.

Everyone owes the world to be the best they can be. If that happens to also apply to you if you have godlike powers, suck it up and stop whining. Ma Kent is being a dick there, just like Pa Kent was when he suggested that maybe teen!Clark should have let a bus full of children die rather than exposing himself.