
I think you missed the part in this episode where Paddy said: “I just wanted this so much. I wanted to be in love and be in a relationship and prove to myself and my friends and my family, fuck, to prove to the entire world that I was actually capable of being in one.”

Agustin and Eddie made my cold heart all warm and fuzzy.

Really, Owen? You couldn't put two and two together? Way to subvert stereotypes.

At this point, Frank just seems nothing more than a convenient plot device and good beard porn.

Some pertinent follicular issues this episode:
a) Lachlan's furry pecs. Hot.
b) Scott's scruffy face. Hot.
c) Rose's dye-job. Not.
d) Xo's eyebrows. Not.

Come on, get in touch with the tween within.

Pretty sure he is addicted to crack cockaine of the butt variety. Doubt he will be able to quit though.

There are no ships worth shipping unless it is Frank and Connor. #Frannor #Conk #OTP #TeamScruff #TeamBeard

Erm, why wasn't Rafael in a tight-fitting shirt? Worst episode ever.

Please, Charlotte's the smartest cookie out there. She correctly believed David Clarke was still alive despite everyone saying otherwise. Not to mention her psychic visions from Jack touching her. Basic bitch? More like psychic bitch.

Haha. Or maybe it was the twin that took the fall and was killed in prison and this is the real David Clarke.

Emily probably has some eggs stored in a sperm and egg bank somewhere. Charlotte will be the surrogate but something will turn poopy no doubt coz Charlotte's involved.

Conrad's not dead. Daniel will soon be on the quest for revenge against those who have wronged his father. David Clarke will be re-framed for flight 197 and imprisoned for the murder of Conrad only to be sneaked out of jail. But as David's escape vehicle pulls up, white-haired Conrad gets out and shanks him while

What this episode lacked for me was the comic relief from Pascal. Would have been an A+ if not for that.

It takes one hell of an actor to be able to portray Pascal as the uncharismatic, stiff and awkward media mogul that he is. Oli will be sorely missed. Best acting work on revenge apart from what Christa B. Allen has done.