
Yes, Titanfall 2!

Titanfall 2. Join me so you can stand in front of my titan while I’m firing at the other team.

Hypocrisy much? They didnt say anything against the driver being a drunk driver. They merely quoted the preliminary report and shared their feelings on drunk drivers. Didnt call anyone out, and even if they did its not unfounded to make observations. That car was obliterated and professionals were on the scene to

People are never going to learn how to stop assuming either without factual information. Wait for a report, then talk. Not before, during, in-between, just after. It’s ignorant. Disrespectful. Petty.

I didn’t choose the PC life.

Hah, the photorealism on that car was such that I thought I was replying to a Jalopnik article.

Dem PC mods are making my console-self jealous. A little bit anyway.

New police AI. Dayum. Meaning the cops won’t try to kill you for hitting their car.

Oh please. Everyone knows cosplayers bang each other in costume.

Otherwise there would be no point. Right?


It’s highhhh noon.

That felt fucking great to watch, I’m not gonna lie.

I’m definitely fierce in my criticism but my writing not so much lol I actually hate writing thinking about picking up telepathy

They stopped sending you preview copies of pancakes?

IHOP has blacklisted us and I really don’t know what we’re going to do about that.

Sorry, we only take frothing at the mouth JRPG characters.

I’m not going to be surprised if it’s stealth changed later this year, possibly around the DLC?

Meanwhile at the From Software offices...