
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through

You're confusing actually being naked with the visual depiction of sex. In Japan, they're different.

Well, that hotel certainly looks Primed.

And who knows? If Transformers: Verb of the Adjective Noun takes off, it could lead to more universe-hopping. Let's get some Beast Wars up in this business.

I'm sorry. All I can see is the Twin Noritta from the F-Zero series after looking at that gif.

There is only one Dinobot I support.

Cinema has the Bechdel Test. It's simple: does the film you're watching have a scene where two women are talking to one another about something other than a man? If not, there's a very likely chance that movie has a gender bias.

To be fair, Optimus Prime riding a Cybertronian T-Rex makes the inner 13 year old in me lose his sh*t.

Please let them one day make a proper sequel to this game.

I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.

I'm torn on the "reading on their own before video games" advice. My own parental instinct agrees. Video games can numb the brain and enforce artificial feedback, potentially retarding reading development. On the other hand, a video game could produce an impetus to read. I've got two kids - my daughter loved to sit on

My father chose to name me Æthelred.

"My little padawan can't be this cute!"

This single panel illustrates what 'Japanese Star Wars' really means

This arrow really should have been moved up and over a bit. I am disappoint.

They're like most large companies, they rely on contracts to survive. It's not so much the consumer side but business side they should and are worried about.