
Yeah.... that broke my brain for a moment.

On the point of Overkill having bills to pay, and the increase in their staff, I have to wonder if the “we went from 25 to 75” actually has anything to do with Payday 2 content. A cursory glance at their website shows 4 games listed; two of them, Walking Dead and a Sci-Fi game called Storm, are still in development.

A better example would be John Wick as a “reward” when the character is clearly an ad they were paid to do. I got nothing against the character’s inclusion in the game, there are some weirdos out there who rail against the idea of adding more playable characters, but ffs, that’s a licensing deal not a free reward for

Nope. Nope, Nope, Nope even if it turns out that he’s Robin?

The Jason Todd theory is pretty compelling with the J tattoo matching the one in Arkham Knight.

Maybe I’m just weird, but I feel like I will eventually get an Oculus (probably the 2nd consumer revision) and just use it for regular games. Honestly, all I want is a super high-res viewing experience coupled with really nice audio; if it can do fancy VR-exclusive shit then I guess that’s fine, but I really just want

I can tell you that 1-5 are solo-able on lower difficulties, so just be aware that it might be seem trivial with a party. Still, I think it offers a pretty good idea of how the game will look when you don’t have pubs ranging from utter dunces to professional gamers thrown in.

As someone who only played Survival, I found my experience to be much better than the people who went online. The full experience will apparently include 15 waves, not sure if on Tattooine only or in general, and it took me two tries to successfully complete the 5 waves included in the beta. I accidentally jetpacked

I’m not so sure I agree with your assumption of what “this” is. The new Wasp suit looks, well, pretty unfinished. Hank Pym is also some grumpy dude working out of his mostly normal house - he’s not Tony Stark who can just go “Jarvis, yeah, make that suit I just designed on the holo screen” and have it done within the


What country is slave a name in, exactly?

The Ukraine = Region

So, one of things to keep in mind is that VR exists along a continuum of interactivity and immersion. While I believe that you’re right when it comes to full body full-immersion VR, because I don’t see anybody buying those little pod things that you fucking walk in or emptying out a large room for a game, we have to

What if they split the difference and go full-CGI?

Big Hero 6 had some pretty impressive visuals and people that weren’t nightmare fuel. Doing a movie as CGI could also provide them vital assets should it be spun-off as a new Gargoyle’s television show. Sort-of like the Star Wars: The Clone Wars stuff that wasn’t by

Pretty sure there’d be calls for a new civil war if California tried to steal the one asset the Rustbelt has left.

Now playing

My friends and I laughed far harder at this scene than anyone else in the theater. The part where one of us yelled “dragon!” under his breath may’ve had some small part in that.

So, here’s my read on the movie, but I haven’t kept track of the movies since T-3, so take what I say with some salt. It’s also as spoiler-free as I can make it.

The movie involves two resets of the timeline, but only shows you one; the other has to be inferred, and I think that’s where it’s losing everyone. Kyle Reese

Maybe it’s German? Like the Gang of Klanji’s Klub?

To quote Himmler: “The Skull is the reminder that you shall always be willing to put your self at stake for the life of the whole community.”

I’m mildly disappointed that it makes it less villainous. The wiki page is surprisingly dry, too.

Not exactly how that happened. Thor breaks into their plane and grabs Loki; while not the friendliest of meetings, it’s not outright aggressive considering he could’ve downed their plane with ease. Tony then picks a fight with Thor because Tony is Tony, and Cap jumps in because Cap.

The difference is that Avengers was

Yeah, the number for Rome seems a bit inflated; the inclusion of tributaries (possibly not shown on the map) might account for the difference... not sure why Persia is highlighted as blue though, I don’t recall them ever being subservient to Rome in any manner.

That said, if we go by the Wiki numbers then Rome vs.