There's no demo for Skylines, I wouldn't be surprised if that accounts for a pretty heavy percentage.
There's no demo for Skylines, I wouldn't be surprised if that accounts for a pretty heavy percentage.
I can't speak to the games they publish, but the PDS grand strategy games get a number of free features in the patch that accompanies every DLC.... to my knowledge, we've always had more free feature updates than paid ones. Their patch notes tend to be on the lengthy side.
Why do you think people dislike ZZ so much? They only started animating it halfway through!
Seriously though, I like ZZ.
Well, to a degree, vanity does factor into quality of life hence the comment about burn victims. But yeah, it's one of those issues where the reality is far more nuanced than it seems.
As I remember, the plastic surgery in question was actually a breast reduction. It's a shame we don't have better terms to distinguish between 100% cosmetic bullshit procedures and "elective" procedures that can actually be kind-of important.... or very important; I want to say that some procedures to help burn…
Yeah, the serious neo-Satanists (not all of which are Satanists, oddly enough) are all about the power and self-rule metaphors. I say serious because there's a bunch of "Satanists" that are just atheists doing it for the lulz rather than people ascribing to an actual life philosophy. From what I remember of the two…
That's right, Mike, asses jiggle too! While they're at it, let's port those penis physics from Mount Your Friends over.
I was going to make a strip-o-gram joke but, according to wikipedia, it's totally a real thing.
The sad thing is, they're not even really about the middle ages.
Hey, at the very least he's his own character and not an established one in black-face. Changing race on, say, Johnny Storm in the new FF movie is decidedly worse than using an alternative Spiderman.
and here I was more bothered by the fact that he said "high" instead of "low" since measuring consumption per distance is traveled is all about getting as low a number as possible.
Is his acting actually okay though? While he's apparently a great guy, and clearly an excellent body builder, that doesn't necessarily mean he's a good actor.
98% sure we're not getting a game called Redguard, since, y'know, we had one. We've also had two human provinces in a row, so it's time to go Elven again or swing for the fences with a Beast race locale.
As far as release times go, the math just doesn't add up. The principal development time for Fallout 3 was about two…
Eh, Fallout and Elder Scrolls are different enough that they're not really going to step on each others toes. The overwhelming majority of a game's profits are generated during the first few weeks of sales, so as long as they space the two by four months or more there'd be next to zero cannibalization. Just as an…
Whoops, you're right; looks like I confused the announce date with the release date.
As for what Bethesda is up to, I think they've grown large enough to handle multiple titles, so the lack of Fallout doesn't necessarily worry me. I'd say the longest we're going to go without an announcement is probably a year and a…
As much as I want this project to die, no, it didn't.
Elder Scrolls games launch every ~4 years; Morrowind was 2002, Oblivion was 2006, and Skyrim was 2011. They weren't going to change that. As Adam Stacey also noted, it was a totally different studio set up for the discrete purpose of creating this MMO. We should see…
Here's an idea, instead of lobbying for Nintendo to sell you the smaller 3ds, why not lobby harder to get their retarded region-locking removed? That way you can just order your Japanese-spec 3ds whenever that launches rather than wait for them to get around to selling it wherever you live?
Seriously, region-locks are…
Seven deadly sins trailers for CK2; greed, to be specific.…