Johnnie Westside

With the downturn in the oil bidness, it looks like at least one meth-addled oil field hand has found a new gig

With Bobby Murcer as his favorite player he was already doomed

I like that he used a past due bill to cover his address. Keep chasing that money, player

“whipped between Kate Middleton’s asscheeks” is value added. Plain and simple.

Schrödinger’s nightclub. Where you can be sober and drunk simultaneously. Since it’s only when we observe Johnny that we fix his state, we should just stop looking. This can be applied to any celebrity successfully.

You probably can build a primae facie case of fraud based on these policies and the fact that employees posing as players without access to critical inside information, used this information to beat those who did not have it.

I am a goaltender. My gear, like my shit, does not stink. I do not expect you to understand. Unless you are also a goalie.

That’s right. Lakeview, not Wrigleyville.

“Wrigleyville” is not a real place.

Oh right - 106 years. Math, its what foiled my engineering career.

I have said it before and will repeat it again: It is the losing and humiliating failures (Such as 1969, 1984 (Go Steve Garvey), 1989 (Will Clark!), 1998, 2003 (Steve Bartman! No, it was Alex Gonzalez booting an easy inning ending double play ball Sunday hopping to him) that define the Cub. If they win, then they are

Sympathetic and concerned? More like self righteous and annoying.

It’s hard for me to look at the league as on the up and up. It’s all about gambling and/or fantasy leagues (which are also gambling). The way calls control the outcome and this kind of stuff makes me think the fix is in.

The actual Dallas Cowboys probably fell apart sooner.

Has Jerry Jones called him yet?

It’s a new day on he Northside. Yes, sir. This team is going to win. This team is different. This team is going to win. I just know it. This is not 1969, 1984, 1989, 1998, 2003, 2007, 2008. No it’s different. This team has a jumbotron.

Damn. She needs to get the Ray Fosse treatment.

Hardly. The world would see even less of me then it does now. By any measure anonymous wealth is better than wealth that comes from or with fame or notoriety.

80mph for the other car. That’s about typical rate of travel on the DNT with light traffic.

As were all the commentators who said that he was going to get worn down by the bigger hard hitting Ducks. In the post game interviews after #6 and #7 he Keith didn’t even seem winded. He’s a freakish athlete, he makes few mistakes, and has an incredible sense of how any play is going to move. That’s one of the