
Sure, but in golf you only have to be in the lead at the end. In tennis you have to bring your A game every match to ensure you keep advancing. Imagine having to win every round in golf.

Seriously. We get it guys, you smoke weed

Oh sure, so Pete Carroll gets in trouble for his coverup but the government gets away with 9/11. SMH sheeple

Cause Ithaca

Adam Saleh is a fraudulent asshat who’s staging incidents to be shared in viral form so he can monetize current and very real social issues.. This isn’t the first video he’s created related to Muslims flying on airplanes, and they’re all used simply as headline seeking attention grabs.

Nothing else to say, that was incredible.

Guy Fieri and pedophiles should not be getting away with anything.

Laying the Woof

As a UK fan I hoped he and Giles were overrated but goddamnit if his clips aren’t enjoyable to watch. It’s like the exact opposite reaction I have to Grayson Cruz highlights

Jesus Christ that Vine is awful

While I generally agree we shouldn’t jail someone to make us feel better, we’re not discussing someone who’s kind of a dick, were talking about someone who shot and killled another person in the middle of the street in the afternoon.

Can someone smarter than me help me out:

Cold Water:

The number of awesome young bigs right now is amazing. Davis, Towns, Porzingas,Embiid, Turner; not to mention Greek Freak who’s a 7' pg amazingly less than a year older than Towns.

He ran a 4.38. I don’t think a lack of speed would be his issue.

Then don’t read it

Jesus dude

Athletes are often in a unique position where they bridge the gap between two demographics. Many athletes, often minorities, grew up in difficult circumstances and developed a perspective based on that upbringing. As they get older and famous/wealthy, athletes often gain new perspectives on issues, such they are often


Because of where we sat, we had a close up view of your conduct in the first inning. The chest puffs. The pelvic thrusts. The arrogant struts and the ‘in your face’ taunting of both the other teams’ players and fans. We saw it all.