
She’s a sociopath. You can’t counsel or medicate it away.

There was one line that I will always remember because it resonated with me and my family. The Conners just had their power turned off for lack of payment and Roseanne said, “Middle class was nice” As a family that had its power turned off on mulitple occasions it was a nice bit of reality.

Oh, yeah, I forgot the union stuff.

And the first season had a plot about unionization! Like, does she hate her own character?

It will always be one of my favorite shows of all time, and under no circumstance will I watch this new series.

I will never understand why Judith Light didn’t win every award there is for her performance of “Hand In My Pocket.”

I was going to say...Beer goggles aren’t just a thing at bars and nightclubs. Sometimes it’s the only way to enjoy a game when your team is playing like 3 legged donkeys.

Now playing

A Tribe Called Quest - “Ham ‘N Eggs :D

I only carry plain, leather(ish) backpacks and messenger bags, but I will support my Queen Celine, if there are any offerings for me.

Selena Gomez will be turning 25 next month. She is not a child, and she is allowed to be a sexual person even if she doesn’t look the way you think she should.

her baby looks crossed with her adult sexxxxualllitay always creep me out.

She is like the youngest-looking-actually 20 something year old looking person alive.

I really hope we aren’t setting some of these kids to fail. The fine print say lots of them were admitted to the University of the District of Columbia, which has a open access AA track. It also has a reputation of being not supportive of students.

How many are going to general admission community colleges? Community colleges have to accept everyone.

I would love to know how they went from barely reading to ready for college in a year. No sarcasm. I’m happy for them but that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Gaga was born to play Donatella. Missed opportunity.

I’m an entomologist and I work with that beautiful specimen you have pictured, Ae. aegypti. To maintain a colony in the lab, I will sometimes have to feed them by sticking my arm into a cage and letting them go to town. My best advice to avoid getting a reaction is to NOT SCRATCH no matter how much they itch. Once you

It’s weird because in the comments on this site, it seems to be understood she is a desperate has-been and her album is a flop. But out in the real world I see her on the cover of major magazines and on SNL and Ellen and Corden and she is getting $20MM to host American Idol.