
She didn’t turn.  She was always the person who burned King’s Landing. Tyrion stated this very clearly.  Unfortunately for us (and the ppl around her) she basically had never been faced with a big enough decision for anybody to recognize it until it was too late.  How is this not obvious?

Did you watch it? They said Bran gets the throne because he had no aspiration to rule and wouldn’t have an heir. It basically guarantees an election at

Good point. I wondered for the whole first three seasons why none of the characters were pointing out this prostitute Rose wasn’t in the book and shouldn’t even be there.

I thought it was pretty epic. There was an “I see dead people” moment that was kind of subtle. (By that I mean a plot twist we should’ve recognized but didn’t). Tyrion points out when Denarys burned the city, she was simply doing what she’d always done....taking an action she viewed as reightous, and a step toward

The explanation was given in her response....the North had ruled itself for thousands of years.  It being under the Iron Throne was a recent thing.  That wasn’t the case for the other great houses. Keep in mind, all the great houses will be dependent on King’s Landing for protection and/or subject to be conquered by

So in your ending you’d have had Bran look at Sansa and say “bend the knee?”  Was this your first time watching the show or do you just eat a lot of lead paint?

What’s dumb about this story is the media has gone right on reporting anything it wants including this story.