
I understand that the example was a PS2 game but I'm responding to the claim about physical vs. digital in general because they certainly can brick your game disc now.

So you’d have to gimp your system and avoid going online. That does not sound superior.

They could force you to install an update before you are allowed to run the disc, that disables the music. Digital vs. physical is a red herring in this topic.

You can make that same reductionist argument about anything though. “A dollar bill is just a serial number that costs more to produce and distribute than it’s worth”. “A diamond is just an over-priced rock that kills people to produce” etc.

People with gambling/reward issues aren’t really “stupid”.  They have problems but they can be very smart people.

Can you laud something as terrible?

Delete this

Copyright are 75 years so there will be no games entering the public domain for a long time

Was it really announced in 2019? I would've sworn it was 2020.

Bro if all you care about is story you are consuming the wrong medium... There is film and books which are much better media for consuming story. Like really there is no accounting for taste but there are much better quality stories outside the world of video games than whatever derivative storyline Ubisoft cooked up

I don’t know. Airpod pro is a noun phrase so the entire phrase is pluralled regularly to become airpod pros

Recommend more GBA games

Is it actually stealing if the train was officially abandoned in 2020? I don't think it is legally at least.

Wow you can see how this whole debacle has aged these two from the video I saw here last week

As an American once again relying on europe for consumer protection, thank god it looks like this exploitative train is finally going off the rails. 

So $600 for a wrench?

You think a link that says “Save 30% on Vbucks!” would go unused?

Wow man you really hate california

You made me think of that documentary “King of Kong” I think, where he seemed to play the villain, so you could be remembering that, but there was no redemption arc. He just came off as and probably is a dickhead.