
And we come full circle... “I haven’t played the game I need to review it, and this guy’s review covers everything I need. Well, I’ll just play a little and use his review as a resource/guide..."

“She didn’t attack anyone. She expressed frustration at being told how to do her job and said she’d block the next rando asshat.”

Good work

Well you might want to check what site you’re on because everyone else is talking about video games, patches, and music.

Ummm Olympics?

Just make the column be this artist every week.

Bro, you say “human being calling someone a retard” as if it were “raping a kitten”. Retard has become unfavorable to use, but is not an evil, inhumane act to utter it. It’s in poor taste and clearly INTENDED as an insult, so it’s fucked up, but it is a mere word, that was perfectly acceptable a little over a decade

You said about being forced to grind enemies, which is way off so it’s surprising to me that you played that much. Since you said you’d love to get into them, maybe one day you can go back to it and it will click for you.

Dark souls doesn’t force you to repeatedly go through areas. Hell, you can play the whole game without any enemy respawns at all. You sound like you haven’t actually played very much of the game. You should try dark souls instead of just presuming all this nonsense.

Right they might not share any more

The ethics are irrelevant. The discussion is whether the leak will have a chilling effect on collectors sharing collections in the future.

This must be for people on their 100th playthrough because Dark Souls has a beautiful, crafted world (especially DS1) that does not deserve to be hidden away!

You are guessing at their intent. Occam’s razor would dictate that they are just doing it to save money on packaging. This is the new way of doing collector’s editions going forward but this is just the first mega-AAA game to do it this way.

It’s actually better for everyone, but yeah, my gut instinct was the same. However, then I realized that you now have the choice to get digital or physical, multiple systems, or even wait to buy the game used. On the publisher side, they save money printing for sevral consoles, destroying overstok, and wasting retail

Ypu should note that final fantasy tactics lacks cloudsave support and locks the save file behind root permissions so it is IMPOSSIBLE to back up your save, ever. Which makes this port essentially worthless to anyone who wants to play it over a stretch of time, since they will have to constantly restart if they change

Kind of jacked up for Sony to refuse service on infested PS4 when this problem has been common for a long time. At this point its defective design to so easily open the vents up for roaches to climb in. Roaches are unavoidable in many urban areas (I’d assume Tokyo as well) so there should be no power vents or

Just an FYI/correction to an impressive review. Lufia 2 featured a new game + and was released one month earlier than ct. I am pretty sure lufia was not the first either. By the time of CT, the concept wasn’t really novel, though CT set the bar in terms of replay value with it’s numerous multiple endings.

Why the hell would they be embarassed? I want to play that late 90s pixelated monstrosity at 320x240 res IMMEDIATELY!

I have a gtx 970... it’s several years old and still running fine.

Wasn’t ps3 sold for like 10 years and aren’t we at 5 years or more for PS4? This is great and respects that not all pc gamers are looking to blow their income on computer parts.