
The experts on economics say that there should not be.

But, as one of my favorite thinkers, Thomas Sowell PhD Economics states:
The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.

When I see questions like “should the government raise the minimum wage?” my response is always “How should I know? I’m just a fucking video editor. What do the experts who literally spend their life studying this issue say? Let’s agree to let them create the policy.”

95% Hilary, 94% Bernie. Seems I am a dyed in wool Democrat. But I already knew that. :)

It’s cruise control that takes the twists and turns, accelerates and decelerates according to road conditions and road hazards - in other words, it’s an autonomous system under limited conditions, but it’s not 100% reliable.

Nope, they can’t.

Just as long as they’re not killing other people then it doesn’t bother me. It does frustrate me how stupid people are, though.

I prefer to think of Montana roads as a quantum superposition of two states.

Between this and people abusing/misusing Pokemon Go, I’m starting to wonder if people can be trusted with... well shit I’ve been thinking that for years.

As someone who drives (and lives) in Montana, a Montana mountain road seems like a terrible place for Autopilot. Half the time, the roads could be described as theoretical.

Now playing

Even if the Tesla had hit the back of the trailer, the underride bars aren’t strong enough to really prevent injury.

Which also begs the question, how'd the truck driver miss the car it turned left in front of? Everyone seems to be calling for Musk's head due to this accident, yet not a peep from a majority about all the distracted drivers using cellphones in non-Tesla cars.

Because if they’re too close then they hit you when you brake faster than they’re expecting? When I get into sudden traffic slowdowns in heavy traffic, my eyes go back and forth between my mirror and the car in front of me to manage my deceleration try to attenuate the rate of deceleration back up the chain.

But it’s not good for everyone. That’s the point. It might be better for the ‘greater good’, but clearly some people do not like the EU. It’s not good for poorer/less educated Britons when highly educated/skilled workers come from Eastern Europe and take jobs with no way to restrict them. Or refugees from Syria/the

I saw a graphic that showed that England voted for Brexit, while Northern Ireland and Scotland voted against it. While technically Great Britain voted for Brexit, the geographic breakdown of the vote also raises some questions about the continuation of the UK. Does this mean that the Scottish independence movement


This is frankly one of the stupidest political decisions a populace has made recently, and that's a big fucking statement in the Trumpian world.

The chime for leaving the door open while not parked is remarkably not annoying. Which is a bad thing in this situation.

Range Rover Sports have a similar setup with a trigger instead of a button, but the car automatically shifts to park if you open the door after shifting to neutral. Mercedes that have a separate “P” button from the shifter also do this. Seems like a common sense solution.

If your shiftier needs an instructional video...

IFTTT is the gateway drug to Tasker. It gets you started, but pretty soon you need a lot more.