jvirgs drives a Subaru

Not to mention all the money you’ve made from writing these articles. Money you’ve used to:

Sorry. Have a 787B.


I choose to believe that this means Tony Kanaan and Jamie Mac are going to Le Mans.

Because they look so drastically different

anyone but audi

Shouldn’t the commercial be a Fit and a CR-V fucking?

This is a lamb post .

They don’t make doorstops like they used to.

Once an event is over it’s over. The onus of avoiding the results on the Internet is on you, not on any individual site. Some of us in the U.S. Set our alarm clocks and wake up at 2am to watch a GP. This sense of entitlement has to go. It's not anyone else's fault but your own that you don't watch something live.

Maybe some Americans watched the race and would like to discuss it on a website that we like to frequent. But you’re right, you are more important then the rest of us so I have ordered Jalopnik and all of the sub blogs to no longer write about current events until they have your approval. To get started on this please

ABC tried to show the wives at the end but my yelling at the TV put a quick stop to that. You are welcome!

The final ten laps were fantastic

Well, that’s life. You win some, you lose some.
It’s not the first lucky win in F1, and I’m sure Lewis lucked out and won a race/place he “didn’t deserve” at some point in his career.

For everyone: a Dallara suspension part breaking is not an aero kit issue.

by the time the whole Gawker media finishes complaining, we will be building our own homes, repairing our own cars, and never going out o eat again lol! Because news flash, every business is out to get you muah haa haaa! We are all going to get ripped off and die!!! ahhh!!! Even your pets!

Must always document everything.

Yes, Le Mans cars are actually required to have a trunk and a passenger’s seat.

Bulk up front, tapering at the back. That’s the aero ideal, from the simple airfoil to the Dymaxion. I assume the tradeoffs are worth it vs handling compromises.