I'd have to say Waverly Hills Sanatorium was the creepiest place I've ever visited (and the only one that I can honestly saw that I actively saw some shit).
I'd have to say Waverly Hills Sanatorium was the creepiest place I've ever visited (and the only one that I can honestly saw that I actively saw some shit).
I'd have to say Waverly Hills Sanatorium was the creepiest place I've ever visited (and the only one that I can honestly say that I actively saw some shit).
Exactly. I personally can't partake anymore, as I developed anxiety issues which are simply exacerbated by cannabinoids (though I'm not going to get into a discussion as to whether or not cannabinoid abuse is to blame for my anxiety [It totally is...]) but I could give a damn less if anyone else does so, as long as…
Hahah oh god. That comic is priceless...
It's sad, but I kinda agree. I mean weed does have applications, but it's true applications are few and far between compared to the bullshit that most people calling for it's legalization would have you believe.
What I'm trying to say is that even if legalized it will never "take down the entire painkiller industry" because there are scores of people whom either can't use or don't benefit from it's effects. And even in those whom can use it, it'll never be on the same level as typical opioid painkillers in pain relief…
I thought the video was pretty funny. Was it perfect? No. But it was humorous. And most people (ie. Luigi's victims), once they realized what was happening seemed to acknowledge the humor of the situation...
No problem man haha, I can understand how this stuff can be slightly confusing sometimes...
That might be true if you ignore the scores of people whom either don't or can't benefit from such therapy... I'm all for legalizing weed, because I really could give a crap less, but it gets old listening to people touting it like it's the cure to every ailment known to man...
Lol you must have misinterpreted... Opiorphin is 6X stronger than morphine. Therefore 6X as much morphine has to be used to reach an equivalent efficacy dose of Opiorphin. So for instance, 10mg of Opiorphin is equivalent to 60mg of Morphine.
Same. I kinda wish the Vita goal was first (rather than the PS4) so that I wouldn't have to worry about whether or not it'll make it. I REALLY want to see this game on Vita...
I get the feeling that you're wrong an awful lot in general...
Seconded. I would kill (or actually buy a Wii U) for a new 2D Metroid (ala Fusion)!
Well son of a bitch. They've rendered all my hard work on GameMaker nearly pointless now...
Right, but don't the Japanese still, to this day, use the Hinomaru (or are we strictly talking about the 'Rising Sun' flag)? If we're talking about the 'Rising Sun', I get it sorta, but if we're talking about the Hinomaru I have a few questions lol... Either way doesn't the SDF use a version of the 'Rising Sun'…
I think around the time they stabbed a girl 19 times they waived any right to pull the "not mentally fit for adult court" card. The difference between this case and many other "child murder cases" is that many times the death is an accident. Should a kid who was playing with a gun and shot his friend accidently be…
Agreed. I wholly disagree with this review.
Probably competing in the Pokemon 2000 Stadium Tour when I was younger. It's like the experience was burned into my skull, because it was my first "con" of sorts. I got Mew, watched my fav pokemon in 3D (via PK Stadium) for the first time, saw that crazy VW Beetle, and got some badges in the competition.