But here we have big bear buddy who was born in captivity, and seems totally down to snuggle
But here we have big bear buddy who was born in captivity, and seems totally down to snuggle
Albert’s argument is dumb all-around. The Academy makes some dumb decisions, but they also honor some really amazing films and performances. Definitely don’t treat it like a life and death thing, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
Him: “Picaboooooo!”
16 million dollars can go to much more important things, such as paying Albert Haynesworth.
ODB is a big baby, jesus.
PORTISHEAD(ing to bankruptcy).
He Oddibe careful about that sort of thing.
Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.
holy fucking shit we found each other
Ninety percent of the human population, give or take, already regards the automobile as an appliance. At best. The Pe…
does this mean they can finally work on their Formula One car now?
And we’ll never see the suit that Ray Lewis wore during last night’s pregame again.
There’s the hometown guy. And then there’s the hometown guy.
FUN FACT: Due to religious-based dietary restrictrions, none of these athletes can eat Donald Trump.
Props to Weiland for not getting his pants twisted over Range Life.
Then Saban issued a challenge to the reporters assembled: “Come closer to the dais here. Really pack it in. Then peer down into my throat. What you’ll see staring back at you is the jet black emptiness waiting for all of us once my acolytes summon another Championship bauble to the temple. With just one more crystal…
Interesting. In New York, dolus eventualis means that, no matter what, James Dolan eventually fucks up everything.
It’s nearly impossible to make out what exactly is going on, but the fight ends with one guy getting thrown into a glass door and another guy knocked out on the sidewalk.
Babe Ruth 1920-1932? Michael Jordan 1987-1998?