
I definitely subscribe to the ideas that willpower drains cognitive resources and small immediate rewards are the best way to change a behavior. We're all just overgrown 5-year-olds who want hugs, encouragement, and graham crackers with peanut butter. If we're willing to accept that and make provisions for it, we



Agreed- this is completely useless.


I think if I follow these rules I'm relatively unlikely to regret posting:

I had a racist coworker. We found that a 5-way silent stare-down followed by ignoring her completely and going on with the conversation was very effective.

This is timely. I just bought a set of shower curtain hooks and I hate them.

That one was covered by Cracked's rules for using the Internet "If nobody responds to anything he says, he'll simply get bored and go away. . . It's so simple, yet incredibly hard to do. Every instinct in your body will scream for you to react, the same instinct that makes the other dogs in a pack attack the one

Totally agree on the reconnecting part. I feel noticeably lonely when too much of my human interaction is online only. We're pack animals! Bf and I have been trying out low tech evenings- TV and eReaders only. The Internet withdrawal is surprisingly fierce, but it seems to be worth it.

All right, all right. Remember, I'm just a person with an opinion. I'm not your network administrator.

Testing 123

Not because of the file size, just because it seems to come packaged with a bunch of garbage. Maybe Lifehacker readers are too smart to fall for that, though.

Testing 123

This probably goes without saying, but only downloading programs through Cnet goes a long way. Also stay far away from downloadable screensavers, desktop wallpaper, and anything sent to you by your grandma. Flickr has an option on the advanced search to search for only 'creative commons,' meaning you're allowed to

I've been haphazardly unchecking stuff through msconfig for years and nothing really bad has ever happened. *Please don't sue me if this breaks your computer.* It makes an enormous difference in speed. Generally I only have one or two recognizable things opening at startup, like backup software and an antivirus. You

Thanks. That makes me feel a little better. But, I assume you'd ask about the size of the dog, what he ate, and whether he seemed ill to determine whether vomiting was necessary. Giving the dosing instructions immediately after telling us to call the vet implies that the author is covering his ass but doesn't really

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you should be embarrassed. I realize that dogs are great at getting into trouble, but if you're doing it that much, you're not being careful enough to keep dangerous things out of reach, not making sure it's absolutely necessary, or both. This is supposed to be an emergency

Ah, the old 'the component molecules are safe, so it must be fine' argument, which is only ever made by people without even the most basic understanding of chemistry. Your body uses hydrogen peroxide in careful containment to destroy invaders. Even oxygen is dangerous in the wrong concentrations/ places.

Smart to use a DO. A regular pot lid is light and gets pushed off.