
I'm not a vet, but this sounds like a horrible idea. The linked article says that peroxide is not considered toxic because induces vomiting and then goes on to give instructions for what to do if it doesn't work.

Thanks. It ended well :-D

In my head, this was going to be short and sweet. Damn it.

Re: #2

Sorry, this reply is sort of lame, but is there any way you could take a mechanic type person with you? My stepdad can tell it seconds what it takes me hours of research to figure out.

I think they're sometimes required by the state or the apartment complex. Also, some apartments are just small. I got a photoelectric smoke detector and put it above my bedroom doorway on the bedroom side, which I figured was the least likely place to set off by the kitchen smoke. It goes off constantly if I leave the

Try a shower cap. As long as you put it on before it goes off, it works pretty well.

I'm happy to see this article. I've definitely had the experience of carving out a little money, only to have it spent sending me 100 solicitations for more money.

Got a recipe you feel like sharing? I've been sitting here trying to convince myself to go home and make cinnamon buns after work, but I'm not sure it's working.

is it precooked?

hehe :-)

Problems have persisted for me through three different Macs, many OS upgrades, and two versions of Excel. But I should add that it's almost always with huge spreadsheets and/or macros.

This is a much more elegant solution than taping a note to the doorknob :-)

I don't know why, but it's common for Excel to hang up and crash on a Mac. After so many years, I've just accepted it. I'll make sure my code is squeaky clean, but it still happens.

Mostly I make stuff that's easy to carry, like brownies or cookies. I also have carriers with domed latch-on hard plastic lids. If possible, I take the icing separately and do it there. No matter what, it sits flat in the trunk in a laundry basket or wedged between other stuff to keep it from sliding. It's impossible

I consistently need 9, because I lose at least an hour to waking up during the night.

Thanks. I'm so glad to hear you finally got a correct diagnosis and that it's treatable. She's lucky to have you watching out for her. I second the advice about the vet attached to the hospital. If he ever has another problem, I will micromanage the hell out of every step, but we'll go back to the internal medicine

Our vet didn't offer it, and neither did a few others we called. The test weren't done in house at the internal medicine place, so it might just have been that they didn't know how to package the poop or where to send it. I didn't suggest this as a first line of defense- the vast majority of diarrhea goes away on its


If your dog has chronic diarrhea that gets a little better with antibiotics, call around to internal medicine clinics and find one that can do a diarrhea panel. This costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $200. If you need a referral and your vet won't give you one, make an appointment with another vet, and tell the