
Ooooh. That's tempting. Thanks for the info.

It just turns off wifi though, right, not 3g?

Polyphasic sleep cycles don't 'trick the body into getting more REM,' this is oft-repeated junk science. It's the sleep deprivation that causes the increased REM density- the same thing happens if you stay up until 4 in the morning- and, as you may have noticed, in spite of the compensation, you still feel shitty when

Yeah, it's a little slow too- I guess the icon is really a shortcut to their website, which then opens the setting. I'm not jailbroken anymore because my phone kept crashing, but I'd like to put the brightness and volume on a timer. I wouldn't mind being able to turn internet completely off during the day, too. It

I didn't call you awkward.

You can think that all you want- you just have to decide that feeling shitty because you didn't try is worse than feeling shitty because the conversation was awkward and you didn't really connect with anybody. Then you know that you made the right choice even if you flop.

I think this is a useful article. A slightly different flavor of supply and demand- does the conversation have too many speakers or too many listeners? Are people just trying to outdo each other with stories? if so, you're more likely to win friends by listening, paraphrasing, and asking questions than jumping in with

I can understand your desire not to reward bad behavior, but truthfully, trying to get him fired is probably going to be a headache. Your best bet is probably to give him the gift in person, smile, introduce yourself, and treat him like a human being. You might find the situation improves.

I was a nanny, and I would have been very happy to receive a week's pay as a Christmas bonus. However if you really love this nanny- if you'd beg her to come with you if you moved out of state, maybe 2 weeks, or a week plus a gift that will make her life easier (an extra carseat?)

Agreed- nicely said. The difference between what sounds cool on paper and what's actually useful should not be ignored on Lifehacker. Reality testing is important.

Sorry, no. You've pictured alcohol free vanilla- which means you are negating any possible benefit (some of the goop on the freezer walls is likely more soluble in alcohol than water). Vanilla doesn't have magical powers- it's just a very expensive masking fragrance.

Thanks. Those instructions are really poorly written.

I must have it!!

Focus on the big stuff is great advice.

It sometimes pays to be crafty, though- you never know who's going to notate "asshole" on your account.

D'oh. Double posted.

I was thinking she brought him snacks and caffeine while he was working

I wonder if you could just give them a "the baby's crying- I have to call back" and see if you get a different answer with another rep.

Kodiak has the ASPCA kind. He got a hard to diagnose infection that was also resistant to multiple antibiotics and it was thousands in tests and regular and emergency care. The insurance is stonewalling and hasn't reimbursed a dime, and it's been months. If they pay for anything, it was well worth it, but it looks