
Stay strong my brother. I will stand with you. ND all day.

Ya know I’m slow to getting into those dudes, I thought they were just your average supercar bro’s but they have a different energy because they are on the older side. I’ve also just kinda gotten into the RDBLA dudes - kinda supercar heavy but its easy watching. 

There’s a few things going on:

Safer place to be.

I wonder if it’s a left turn thing (right turns in the UK)? UPS did a study and found that it was more effective to make three right turns to go around a block than one left turn across traffic.

You don’t own that plane, the taxpayers do!

I know, I was thinking the same thing until I read that they’re honey bees. Unfortunately we need these little bastards to survive since they’re dying in great numbers around the world and we’re a little fucked without pollinators.

then you’ve got yourself a nifty new necklace, bud

Yes, it does remind Star Wars.

Stretched, unsafe tires do not belong on public roads.

Yeah, and just in front of the "Exit only" sign as well... [/s]

its not parked. There's someone in it, plus it says "Exit Only" so be outta be exiting the building