Why? they are injuries by definition.
Why? they are injuries by definition.
It was not a sarcastic comment, sitting all day is bad for your back.
Yes and other injuries you can get when you are working sitting down
The QA tester broke the NDA and the kid made a hack that he sold if I remember correctly. How is that wrong a teen knows what good or bad and a QA tester should not break NDA.
Get help dude, all that hatred for nothing. All because I pointed flaw in your argument.
Good PR can bring in more money. People like good deeds. Not only that but it cost Sony nothing to accept cross-platform.
With popularity comes bad costumer service experiences.
PR they could gain good PR but now the harm is done.
Well look at PoE, they sell loot boxes, yeah but after 2 months everything is buyable seperatly. Sure it’s still predatory but at least they release them normaly after a league and the advertise that fact too.
Anyone that buys a single pack of old mtg are asking to get shafted, pack at the time were not secure and people found way to probe them. Investor sometime buys pack but they don’t open them.
Not all cards are worth the price you paid for them tho. It’s like MTG, it’s 4$ a pack but often you open your pack and you have less value than the price you paid the booster.
You are addresing points he did not make, he never said make micro-transaction over the quality of the game. He is right tho loot boxes is fine if we can buy everything separately.
So? it’s not like you guys don’t dollar and dime other countries. Don<t do double standard.
How do we know the worth of the thing? If the transaction was not publicly disclosed, you can’t loose money because you can sell it for the same price. But hey, if that’s the hill you what to die for go ahead and bring proof
But more and more people are buying 4k tv, cheap ones are about 500$
The price will drop? So you the transaction has been revealed publicly? No, they were not. Price can<t drop if no price has been set. 1 Transaction for a singular game do not set the price. The market set the price but there is no price for those game because no one know what people are willing to pay for them.
Canada first. Ironic that Trump throw a bitch fit for that.
Ya the irony of Trump being mad at Canada for puting Canada first is astounding.
‘Proud and and happy people don’t feel the need to use their kids for personal affirmation’’ OK I’ll bite, prove it.
New players do not have experience, a lot of them will see that everything is blocked and will just stop playing. Those road block bring nothing positive.