
Game preservation is good, just having a few people that can access the rom is dangerous that it gets lost if it’s not on the net.

No that will be on PC.

It’s coming on PC too.

You really can’t do that if you are alon and against a establish group. Nothing can be done about griefer that block part of the map too.

Earthbound cart was not affected by a price drop when it became available with VC nor did chrono trigger.

Pokemon and Yugioh are more popular worldwide than MTG if I’m not wrong.

Every paper TGC has seen decline (maybe not pokemon tho). MTG took a big hit too. About 40% drop in player base at the amonkhet block.(Those numbers are from WoTC themself) Still drop in player base is normal.

YuGiOH an Pokemon are actually striving. It has gone well for both.

Objectively? No. It’s all opinions lol.

Talk about overproduced music with lots of autotune. It’s grim indeed.

Ya sure you can lend a physical license, you still don’t own the code. If you don’t own the code you don’t own the game.

Even with physixal media you never owned a game, it’s a license.


Nice fallacy, al you have is confirmation bias.

Your personal feeling about it do not matter here. The law is what it is and it makes sense that it’s only a license, when you buy a movie you don’t own the script.

It was always like that physical copies or not. Owning the game would mean owning the code.

Remember kids, everyone is a goddamn expert.

I never said cloud backup is a bad thing but ok ill list disavantage since you asked. Both offline and online have pros and cons.

You assume that 1. I’m offended 2. That I find it ok for xbox and ps4.

Your 3 points are personal problems.