
Would you look at that, I was wrong. Still it<s quite a shitty thing to do.

It’s guaranteed not to happen? I want to see some source from higher up at nintendo.

Nope it was not perfectly clear. They should have put a warning on the box if they wanted that to be perfectly clear.

Extra steps? The switch dock has usb ports. plugging in your usb drive is not an extra step. What would we loose if nontendo would offer that option? Keep cloud saves paywalled but gives of the option to make an offline backup for free.

Big difference, you can play splatoon 2 online for free right now. Nintendo never advertised splatoon 2 saying that the online was going to be paywalled.

Sure cloud saves on ps4 is paywalled and a dick move but the usb backup is free. After you did your usb backup you can transfer the saves to a pc too.

No other service paywall the ability to backup your saves.

You know you can transfer save to a pc right? Your issue is a no isuue.

What about if you loose your switch, what about if you loose your wallet, I could go one and one.

A 32 gb usb cost about 10 bucks if you dont have one and once you backed up your saves you can transfer them and use the usb drive for something else.

Why are you white knighting them? Nintendo is the only one to paywall a basic feature like backup saves.

Worked hard for what? Backup saves is not something that should be paywalled, nintendo is the only one to paywall that. They already make money on switch sales too.

You could play the sega cd without a genesis, they released an all in one. They were games that was both on the sega 32x or cd and release on the genesis.

That was not my point. We had mid gen upgrade for years. Genesis had 2 upgrades, the 32x and the sega cd. Hell some game required both. All those upgrades was too make the system more powerful.

Well someone do not remember the upgrades the genesis had. Your point is moot.

Yeah I guessed that you have no interest on becoming a good person.

Then why did you bring in your terrible opinion. You don<t want to debate abortion because you have no good point for it.

If it is his raison d’etre, he has bigger problems

The point is that it happens more were abortion is illegal. You just went full fallacious.

You realize that countries without abortion has more infantile death and murder?

First MMO of it’s kind? Warframe would like to have a talk with you. Hell warframe was not the first one either.

Yeah sure, whatever, nothing else to say so you point out a grammar mistake.