
So you get to change the meaning of words to fit your narrative? The gamer definition is not the one you are trying to force upon us. Just go look at the definition in a dictionary.

I get 40 to 55 fps on the new driver and I installed the kadlein patch to fix stutters. All on high without game work lowest I saw was 25 fps and it was weird because it was when ignis got a new recipe. Otherwise the lowest in combat was like 32 fps or so. With a 30 fps lock I never go lower than that unless there,s a

It’s accepted and valid, it’s just not used frequantly.

You don’t game in 4k unless you have a PC, the Xbox one x only have a handful of native 4k titles. Fake 4k is not native 4k.

Ironic that you call the switch a children toy when you are acting like a child.

Pretty sure Kirby is a nintendo owned IP. HAL is indeed a 2nd party dev for nintendo.

What the guy did was not fun. What can be classified as fun in what he did?

Great mind think alike.
At first glace and by the title I thought it was a sex toy.

Both are accepted like IX and VIIII

I have a rx 480 8gb wich is a tiny bit weaker than a 1060 6gb and I play at better settings than the xonex at 50-60 fps.

Most won’t? have any data to back this up or is it an assumption?

That’s why digital is the way to go. (semi troll comment)

You really think that shitty parents won’t buy their kid a cheeseburger? No they will take a nugget happy meal for the toy and buy a cheeseburger on the side. This is only a tactic by mcdo to make more money.

Choices? The shitty parent will still get their kid a cheeseburger only now they will have nuggets to go with it. This is solving fuck all.

Naruto fighter are actually pretty different to others.

A game dev is not a journalist.

Fun is subjective. Got that vibe? you are basing yourself of a feeling? That’s your argument?

But you are not skipping the level, you bypass a section. You need to play it for that and you do get to the end of it so you are indeed beating the level.

Don’t worry no one is gonna use that on your game because no one will play it.

If by attention it deserve you mean more people ridiculizing it then sure.