
The good old play the game as it’s intended. The dev only intended you have fun.

Nice strawman. Not only it’s not a book, it’s not even a story moment.

Yes you are 100% playing the game. don’t make fallacious comment

Still waiting for your proof.

I dont even watch twitch like I said. Bring your proof that someone that cheat only cares about himself and no one else.

There is nothing educated about your guess tho.

You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that he was the nicest guy on earth, hell I never said he was a nice guy. All I want is your peer reviewed studies were it state that when you cheat it mean that you only care for yourself.

YOu said he doesnt cares about anyone but himself. You can make a case that he doesnt care about his wife (wich the apology he made shows that he probbly cares a little bit). I told you to prove, or at least point out were he shown that he only cares about himself. All you have is confirmation bias.

I dont have to prove that humans makes stupid horrible mistake. Burden of proof is on you, maybe he didnt show is wife respect (the apology and transpenrancy about the matters prove that he does care at least a little bit) You only bring fallacies has an argument. Dont change the goalpost, your post was not about

I dont even watch dr. disrespect or watch twitch. So were are your proof that he only cares about himself? Or did you only have an Ad hominem?

OK but you dont deserve the ‘fame’ you got yourself, your content is trash and you should stop.

Prove that he only cares about himself. The fact that he came clean refute your argument. And btw the fact that he cheated do not prove he only cares about himself.

Put down by who? No one knows that you are playing on easy.

Peer presured by who tho? The game? The game is not your peer.

Well no high end pc will be able to deliver a smooth experience tho. The emulator has a long way to go still but it is a start.

It really isn’t tho. a PS4 is about a gtx 760.

Prove it then. No confirmation bias, no fallacies, cold hard proof.

For many comment that’s your only argument. It’s terrible. Don’t try to debate anymore, you suck at it.

Let me guess, you defend the predatory bussiness practice that bungie put in like loot boxes? I guess you are going to say since it only cosmetic it’s fine? Well no it isn’t. Or are you going to defend the fact that the game no easy to party for raid and communicate?

That’s not the job of players to find idea.