
Full of yourself arent you? games are just a way to pass time and enjoy yourself. Who cares if a gamer is casual? It doesnt make them shitty. Go back to r/incel you.

Ok but who decide who is a gamer or not? You? I would not trust you the chew chewing-gum alone. A boobie streamer can still be a gamer, even if their stream is bassically softcore porn. You would have to know the person personally. Then you would run into the problem

Ok but who decide who is a gamer or not? You? A boobie streamer can still be a gamer, even if their stream is bassically softcore porn.

How do you know who is an opportunist from a stream tho? Being a boobies streamer has an example, does not mean the person is not a gamer. She might truly enjoy it. Opportunist a rarely a good thing in any kind of business, bit of a blanket statement.

So you are the person that put definition one word? If you draw doodle or not you are making art so you are indeed an artist while you do it, you might not be a good artist but an artist none the less. Artist=someone who makes art. Gamer=someone who play games. You dont get to change the meaning of words to fit your

“I can guarantee you this person still doesn’t think highly of the average video game enthusiast.” OK ill bite. Prove it.

We pay more than 60$ a game dont kid yourself. 60$ is for the ‘shell’ game. You need the season pass for the full experience, so you pay 100$ game.

No the way it worked was once you did the story you never do it again. All you had to do to farm was going to a portal and choosing one of the 5 different game mode. Looks like you didnt play alot after you finished the game

Yup its gambling too. Whats your point? Oh it was just the ‘whataboutism’ argument.

‘Fake gamers’ is a fallacy. If you play games, then you are a gamer. You dont get to change the meaning of words to fit your narrative.

It’s both.

Forza is lightweight tho. Racing game are lightweight by nature.

Ya some 1st party title will run well. BTW GoW 4 is 4k/30fps in campaign and horde and 4k60fps in versus

Ya but upscaling is not native.

BTW GoW4 runs at 4k/30fps in campaign/horde in versus it is 4k/60fps .It use dynamic resolution too so sometime you are not in 4k. 

XoneX runs native 4k60fps only in lightweight games. Otherwise it cheat its way to 4k

Or you could play withot VO

Well they dont shit on Nintendo more than any other console makers.And How does this article shits on Nintendo. The install files are a problem and the article said that its not necessarily Nintendo fault since their games are light. If you dont know how to read its your problem. You are the fanboy here not me.

Here the thing DRM do not work. So by using one you are penalizing paying consumers.

It doesnt shit on the switch. Being a fanboy is bad for the industry and the consumers. Thank you for making the gaming world worst.