
Cheap micro sd do not last long usually. I dont know why they did not go with a full sd slot.


The thing with warframe is that paying for gear takes out gameplay from you. No one actually advise on buyin gear or frame because you are effectively taking gameplay away from yourself. The premium currency can be traded too. Its the best F2P model I know

So basically you say that since you pay everyone should pay? Making them pay 5 or 10 bucks wont make them appreciate it. Take the edge off of what exactly?


You know most cellphone are 1000$ right? A oneplus 5 is what 500$?

But you never commented on the fanboy thing that you do which hurt consumers and the industry alike.

No, I’m a gaming nerd. While I primary game on my PC and 3DS, I plan to get a PS4 and a Switch down the line.

Prove that the potential switch owner turned away by this is 0. Prove that core gamers don’t buy many games. I want a few peer reviewed poll. Not confirmation bias.

Ya COD and ass. creed came but a year after its release. like I said it should release at the same time.

No they are not getting pretty much every multiplatform,

Alright you will get sued tho.

Of coure not but still you can play them on the on a ultrabook or a small tablet. Most platformer are fine on a keyboard and skyrim is better played with a mouse and keyboard imo (still its alright with a controller)

Look a keyboard warrior. Yeah you would not have done anything.

Not what I said at all. Good job at putting words in my mouth tho. You are really good at fallacy. I said they need more new games. I didnt say they need less port of old games.

I play both game and yu gi oh is far more complex than magic but not in a good way. If it was 1996 yu gi oh I would have agreed but nowady the game is stupidly complex.

I understand your point but you can play those game on an ultra book or a windows tablet, they are not graphically demanding.

Well, I play both game and yu gi oh is stupid complex, way more complex than magic but not in a good way. If it was 1997 yu gi oh I would have agreed but nowaday the game is stupidly complex.

720p for vr is terrible, you need to slash the resolution in half so you get both eyes. Not only that but for vr you need high fps, 90 fps being the norm. Dont get me wrong but the switch is just to weak and the screen is just too low res to do vr.

I mean no problem with third parties and true that exclusive sucks on all the consoles but most of the port are old games that alot of people bought and played already. Even if they are great pickup I dont need another copy of isaac or Skyrim I played and finishes those games years ago. Sure it might be cool if you