I am not throwing my complete snes chrono trigger box complete.
I am not throwing my complete snes chrono trigger box complete.
or else nothing, it just make you look like a fanboy. Skyrim is an old game that is on multiple console and its on ps4 and xone.
It doesnt try to be heartstone, its the same game has paper mtg.
I cook hot dog in a pan with butter. Boilling hot dog is terrible.
Dont count skyrim if you dont count it for ps4 and xone
Then why post it? Why post a low effort video that no one will care about?
Well FFVII graphic were anime like, hell the character pics in menu are anime. They were just a stack of cubes barely resembling a human being. They didnt have a lot to go from if we talk about 3d model. THe style came from the background. The FFVII remaster graphically is pretty much advent children.
Why? its weaker.
Can I see your source on pokemon go being more popular than BoTW? It need to count the sales made on the eshop. VGchartz only makes estimate when there is a number.
Ya a terrible spin-off not even made by game-freak only tht only exist to make a quick cash grab. You sure showed him!
Ya sure buy a dead console so you can play what? 15 games that are actually good? Waste of money when you can upgrade any computer thats less than 5 years old by adding a brand new graphic card to be able to emulate. And guess what a capable graphic car will be cheaper than a wii u. Hell for less than 100 bucks you…
You said Valve was dead has a gaming compagny. That’s not true, they just announced a game. A digital card game is still a video game.
Ya I said for decent emulator. The ps4 emulator is not decent yet. A 800$ pc will emulate the wii u just fine.
Every online game has taht rule in the ToS. Ehy? Because every software comes with bugs/glitches. Even if the dev fix them, others will pop out.
So? that wasnt my point. OP said that Valve is not a dev anymore, wich they are because they announced a game
So? that wasnt my point. OP said that Valve is not a dev anymore, wich they are because they announced a game
It’s still qualifies has a game. dont go into fallacious comment.
The switch is like 3 time more powerful than a wii u. wii u had something like 352 gflop. the switch has 1 traflops. the game lags on switch probably due to being a port.
Thats the case for any console. Every emulator that works well will output better graphic than the console.
In term of gameplay elder scroll legend is much better than heartstone tho.