
Funny they just announced a game. Ah nevermind you just wanted to use a fallacy.

They just announced a game...

It’s my fault that I bought the game, yes. I don’t blame anyone for my purchase other than myself. I don’t blame people that buys the game either. Don’t put words into my mouth.

Unethical do not mean illegal. It<s just scummy.

OK so like your integrety you can’t be bothered to fix it. But go ahead and defend unethical pratices of bussinesses that don’t give a shit about you.

Never said it was illegal. Lol can you read? No one force me to buy DLC, never said otherwise.

Your opinion only.

it’s not justified, you generalize a whole group of people even if you didn’t say all nintendo fan. If it bother you that much do something more proactive than bitching on a kinja thread.

BTW why do you bold random words?

Asking funding from a bussiness and asking funding from fan is 2 separate thing.

Releasing DLC while still being in EA for one. Single player story still non-existant. Terrible performance (ya I know EA). Shitty Dev. Barebone game with nothing to do in it. Dev that do nothing or take way too long to do something about player that trolls. I could go on. But this is just my opinion.

Maybe they didn,t see it coming too. Maybe the update had a bug in it.

That’s a childish attitude.

Because that’s how english works.

They were made before and still made today without consummers backing the projects.

Have seen people burned too many time by ambtious games. I got burned by Ark too. So no, if their idea is so good then finding funding should not be a problem.

Most of the time it does. Never saw something where you could reperare yourself withouthvoiding the warranty.

Draft pick will never net you a FNM worthy deck. Even if you sell te cards unless you get a good masterpiece.

he thing is with the new set the expected value is so low that most of the time you make your booster pack back.

Who need a soul when you can make money?