
That's pretty much how much a 5'9"/10" actress weighs now :( at 5'2" they are shooting for <100lbs :/

Dislike. Maybe I just have super high expectations but him holding his phone in front of his face to read the words was really irritating to me.

Ugh the minimum wage situation is atrocious :(

That seems like the easiest game in the world. Even when playing Cranium you can't say the title of a movie/TV show.

1) That is way too many girls. How would fans even connect to any of them? TOO MANY.

Awe. So much better than my mom's reaction, which was to cry and tell me that she was disappointed in me. And then trying to push me towards adoption. And then when my son was born with a brain injury she proceeded to tell me that she won't babysit him because he's special needs.

They have a US After Dark, as well as a Canada one.

Princess ShinyLocks is so beautiful <3

She's a rapper, she was in a few Kreayshawn videos but apparently they had a bit of a falling out.

This trailer hurts my heart. Why do we keep feeding these unhealthy situations?? Those poor babies :(

I love Snooki. I don't even care. That letter was sweet. :)

I am 22 and I definitely don't need a gravy boat :P my fiance and I have been living in our tiny condo for 3 years, ain't nobody got room for anymore shit. Haha.

I'm really weird but I totally compliment collarbones. I miss my collarbone and shoulder blades (FWIW they were defined by exercise, not anorexia) but I am fat now so I don't have them anymore.

Yeah any wedding that I've been to or served at has been a toonie bar. I don't get open bars....I went to one for a work party a few years ago and SHIT GOT CRAZY. People have zero self control if the booze is free. TBH I think open bars are a terrible idea....we're doing a backyard BBQ and asked people to BYOB

Oh jesus, a circus.....honestly, I didn't invite anyone on my side LOL. I live in Alberta (Canada), all of my dad's side lives in Ontario, my mom's side all live about 8 hours away BUT they both have 10 siblings and a million kids/grandkids on each side so to invite them all would just get ridiculous. Originally I was

I'm getting married in 2 weeks. We are doing a backyard BBQ at my soon-to-be in-laws' house. We are providing all the food (duh), wine, ice, and mix, but it's BYOB. I think that's pretty fair....if people have an issue with bringing their own booze then they don't need to come, lol. We don't have a registry. Honestly

Because it seems like a very overly done version of it. Sort of like any time someone with a mental illness is depicted on television or movies....like heavily dramatized and basing itself on misconceptions about whatever illness.

I liked her and Thomas-John together. :(

I do not have OCD, nor do I know anyone with OCD, but I find the whole thing very unrealistic. Sort of like when I took a drama course in college and made a play about someone with PTSD when I had no real idea what it was like to have it.

Why is he looking straight at the camera like that? Seems weird compared to the other ones.