
Flying Thon Maker kick, no can defend.

Why is it “surprising”? All humans are racist in some way, especially the ones who say they aren’t. The problem becomes when the inner racism overrides public decency, as it did here.

Doesn’t matter if they are eager or not; Venezuela is on the banned entry list, so his familia couldn’t come over here to live even if they wanted to.

Because Americans are a bunch of pampered idiots. Live better than 99% of the rest of us, yet still cry like they are the ones suffering. The epitome of ignorance.

Trump detractor calls a coach losing a 34-point-lead in an all-time historic collapse “successful” for purposes of not deviating from his untenable position even though facts say that he should. Well I’ll be.

You should get more credit for this.

So, you hate some dude named Cameron Rupp based on what you IMAGINE he is probably like according to the stereotypes in your head that emerge when you hear a song? And you base your opinions of people primarily on what fleeting politician they may have voted for in some election nobody will remember 10 years from

Not even close. What is wrong with this board today?? Between the terrible puns and the guys who have no idea where he went to school, I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

Through numerous unspeakable sexual favors.

Writers make that much money?

Yeah, he seems to have a pretty open schedule between catching foul balls and writing Twitter manifestos

Ravens don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts!