
Connections are important but, doesn’t Chicago have a much more influential music scene than Minneapolis? (Not to knock Minni ... it’s a city that has a very tender place in my Canadian heart.) Perhaps his connections might have connections there. Or perhaps he can get excited about the extra opportunities. (Not to

I’ve gone on more than my share of online dates ... some were great, and some were terrible. Like, exceptionally terrible. My advice would be to meet relatively quickly and not to invest weeks of time chatting to someone before meeting, and building it up in your head, because you’ll know in the first three seconds if

Can you ask him about what he wants? Or if he’s got any broad hints about it he can give you? Does he have a sister or someone he might’ve confided his tastes to? Do you know his ring-size? There are a lot of facets to this.

Custom really is a great way to go! This post is really timely, as we just got our wedding bands from the jeweller today. I probably shouldn’t be wearing yet yet, superstition and whatnot, but I can’t stop oogling it!

My fiance and I have had fun going out on latenight “pokemon drives” in our suburban neighbourhood. At 11PM or so, there’s no one out on the residential roads (and the game isn’t experiencing the early-evening crash!), so I’m free to putter at <18km/hr. And he’s in the front seat happy to man both the phones, leaving

Wow, that is a huge (and hugely brave) personal step. Sending big hugs and support from afar ... so happy to hear that your husband reacted with even more love and support.

My first long-term relationship. Broke up with him. Received some emotional letters filled with “I can change”, and “I can sacrifice X for you” ... went crawling back at a dark time, a few weeks later. Spent another 6 months together that we really should NOT have been together, because nothing actually got repaired,

We’re preparing for our wedding right now! So choosing these songs are part of our process for this week. For our first dance song, we’ve narrowed it down to two: No One, by Alica Keys, or The Raindrop and the Seed by Jess Chaulk.. (Two very different directions, and we’re both happy with both, but I can’t seem to

I finish my Accutane course in just 2 more days!!!! And it’s worked wonders, even if my lips keep peeling fiercely ... Has definitely tamed my adult acne. After trying to just deal with acne myself by throwing over-the-counter concoctions at it, with little avail for 4+ years, it was soooooooo worth seeing the

I’m on accutane now which dries eeeeeeverything out, so I’ve been washing once a week for the past several months. And that’s been plenty.

What a fun story!

Me too! Sometimes she’ll come and just be a little ball on the corner of the mattress, but she doesn’t really stare and I don’t really feel judged ... she just does whatever important cat business she has to get up to at night and leaves us humans to whatever uncouth things we’re doing.

I was a bit worried about this,

Hugs and deepest sympathies. If you need to talk about it, anytime, just reply to this message. Kitties really bring so much sunshine into our lives and homes ... it sounds like you’ve really given each other many good years.

I’m a Benefit Roller Lash fan. It keeps good definition between the individual lashes while still giving good length, rather than doing the clumpy/dramatic thing. Better for daily daytime wear, I feel.

Threading is gentler on the skin ... I’ve had to switch this year because waxing is ruled out by my dermatologist due to my Accutane ... I’m really liking the results of threading. The reults are comparable, though.

If you’ve found a system/waxer that works for you, though, stick with that! Eyebrow disasters are the

Ahhhh, that looks amazing! My next covetted item ...

Ahhh, that certainly lessens my worries on the matter.

We need some Anne Murray and Rita McNeil for good measure. But let’s all vote to bar Avril from the project.

Yessssss ... I will watch the shit out of this. May just be my favourite Atwood novel. The one downside of bringing the story to film/TV is that the ambiguity of truth will be pinned down a bit ... images are concrete, but with the first person narration of the very partial Grace, I was never quite sure how much to

I second this suggestion! Might become more in line with those ol’ AOL chats, and there’s no worry about trying to take things to RL.