
Lets be fair... this is not horse movement... this is chimp movement. 

I genuinely don’t have a problem with his voice. I used to imagine Mr T’s voice when I was younger. It’s Aeris’s voice that I think sounds a bit too cutesy honestly.

After listening to the album on Amazon Music I can’t recommend it to actual Kingdom Hearts OST fans they are such a departure away from their original scores you might as well consider them completely different songs barring perhaps “Simple and Clean”.
Each song has a moment in them when you are like “Yeh, this is


All them “Existing” women... hmph.

Looks like something out of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Not much cleavage this time round. Sign of the times? 

I’m sure Epic will be fine without your free download. 

I think the time between ps4 and ps5 is gonna be so small that Backwards compatibility is going to be needed more than ever. Game backlogs are a thing.

Nintendo announced that “life will change” in Super Smash Bros a while back. That said, as for that map editor, I’d have “never see it coming”. Hopefully it’s not our “last surprise” from Nintendo.

I’m down with this as long as all xbox “exclusives” are windows exclusives too.

If I recall there was a massive choice concerning the ending. But yeh, the romance system was flawed as hell, I remember my love interest being the Bandit leader cos I gave him so many skulls for rep in the hopes that bandits wouldnt attack me any more.

Lets be clear: this is just some idiots “idea” in a boardroom and the kind of people that like it are the kind of people that need to be shot in to space. Honestly, fuck any company that thinks they can start monopolizing the sky with shitty ads. Do something more useful with the money, something like “Gamers don’t

I had to unsub from PCgamer as every other article is an Epic Games sponsored article and it just got tiresome as hell to receive propaganda all day.

Not 1, not 2, but 3 Baseball animes!?
Ace of Diamond any good though? I’m feeling some Makunouchi Ippo vibes.

I’m gonna make my own store front, with only 10% of Dev profits... and with Blackjack and Hookers.

The correct thing to do at this point is open console and force spawn him to your location.

Love the meerkat one :D

Looks more Anglo-Saxon than Viking to me.
