Headline should read:
“Rich White Old Guy gets away with Human Exploitation.”
Though I suppose that’s been overused?
Headline should read:
“Rich White Old Guy gets away with Human Exploitation.”
Though I suppose that’s been overused?
Are Visual Novels really “games”? Aren’t they just... visual novels?
Yah, was pretty good.
Don’t worry, I got the joke.
I still own this book. Is it worth something?
TLDR... Too long, droll review.
Peeps give more shits about some Youtube guy saying a bad word than the fact their country is being run by an elitist, sexist, arrogant, stupid, eccentric and possibly racist ex-tv celebrity who’s CV simply lists a bunch of businesses he ran into the ground + one he inherited from his Dad.
Plus he’s playing chicken…
I know he said a bad word... but did he just say it to a random player of unknown ethnic background while on an online game where race and personal identity mean nothing? I suppose the issue was that it was his “go to” insult in that situation. I also suppose I answered my own question.
Stan and Kenny have their heads on straight too.
Where would Cosplay be without Cammie right?
I didn’t and still don’t know what a Dril Tweet is. I’m not gonna google it either. Gonna live in peaceful ignorance.
I didn’t like the part where all three wasted ammo at the end. You just don’t do that shit in Destiny.
Great Big Story is such a great youtube channel.
It’s not their fault. It’s the gaming communities for taking part in and allowing this shitty business model to thrive.
He answers his own question with math at 1:06.
Must be great eating breakfast with your sweaty/stinkin’ ass... ;)
Took me leaving the house for my Dad to get in to gaming. He plays COD
by just dying again and again committing the enemy spawn and cover points to memory. It’s like watching someone play whack-a-mole.
Are you guys writing a lot about Splatoon or am I being targeted for these articles? Either way... please stop.
Nowhere were the word’s “salty” or “vegan” used in this article. It’s like it’s not about Kripp at all.
Considering this article contains only 6 lines of text. It’s clear no fucks were given.