I’m sold. Mercy needs a Scythe in game.
I’m sold. Mercy needs a Scythe in game.
The following new seasons of anime are required:
Log Horizon, Hajime no ippo, No Game No Life, Kingdom, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, School Rumble.
If you are in a good community in Diablo you are already forming your own groups with chat channels etc. Public games are for casuals... you aren’t expected to achieve anything of significance from them.
Still requires that you are friends in battle.net in order to invite them to a chat channel. WoW should have a easy means of speaking to people who are simply in your party.
That said, I think that may ruin the immersion of the game when Moonblade (lvl 100 Night Elf Warrior) is a 14 year old kid using his laptop mic…
After taking one look at him, and his videos for the first time... I’m ok with not liking this Gnome-person.
Is this an act of super-villainy? No. It lacks - PRESENTATION.
I’m not sure if Desmond was ‘Terrible’. He was just not exceptional. In fact, it’s only because his ancestors traits rub off on him that he becomes likable at all. Assassin’s creed was never really about Desmond, it was about the ancestors lives he lived. Tbh he’s just shouldn’t be in this top 10 at all.
Think it’s referring to how she holds the phone with one hand and uses her index finger to navigate. Most people just use one hand and their thumb to do anything on their phones and use the phone double handed (two thumbs) for anything needing more effort.
Great... now I need to watch this show all over again.
“According to PhD candidate Benjamin Aspray, who is writing his dissertation on offensive jokes and “gross out” humor...”
Who give’s a flying fuck about some students opinion on the subject?
Reminds me of this game I saw that couldn’t even get off Steam Greenlight: http://cicada3301.com/cicada.html
Probably the same engine.
The fact is that one news outlet wrote a heavily biased story based on video clips presented severely out of context and then many other news outlets used this original news outlet as a source for their material on the subject.
It is not just wrong that news sites are playing Chinese whispers in the attempt to get…
I don’t think enough thought has been put into the science of Save Points personally. It just seems to take a back seat to other more “important” theories.
The game’s rock paper scissors... except you need to know how fingers twitch milli-seconds before the brain finishes sending its commands to them. You can also slug your opponent in the face and out a nearby window midway through the 3,2,1 countdown.
I suppose its not much like rock-paper-scissors.
Hey. Spoilers! I always read comments before reading the article... you should know this.
The U.S president tries to ban Muslims from USA and get’s elected for wanting to kick out Mexicans. Good thing he didn’t say anything about Jews right?
He was joking around. Wasn’t malicious in any way. I’d say he regrets not just editing that part out of his video... but I’m sure he doesn’t give a shit.
There will always be haters of his vids, doesn’t matter what content he puts out.
Kellyanne Conway is the worst. The term “The Worst” was made for her. She’s it. The Worst.
Mercy is a cyborg with a pretty face though right? She’s always been the most interesting heroes to me. She has no pulse, doesn’t age and can bring people back from the dead. A lot of her back story is missing and I think, for the most part, it’ll turn out to be pretty dark once its revealed.
Because your side comments on the bottom of internet articles while at work and doesn’t really do anything of use or have any real power. Nor does it try to attain any. They also, apparently, don’t vote.