One of the best anime’s out there in my opinion. Though everyone has different tastes. My favorite anime includes:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Samurai Champloo
Code Geass
If you don’t like any of the above we have nothing in common.
One of the best anime’s out there in my opinion. Though everyone has different tastes. My favorite anime includes:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Samurai Champloo
Code Geass
If you don’t like any of the above we have nothing in common.
There should be episodes of Guts getting revenge though!
Casca rape scene hardly needs to be the focus of any trailer. Anything that forces me to remember that scene is not appreciated. Whats worst is that I’ve never seen any episode after that...
Pretty sure this was planned from the start.
Bet he was salty over this one...
Not many actual sex games on Steam either tbh. Don’t say Hunie Pop... that thing is a connect 4 masterpiece.
I’m normally happy to jump on the negativity train, but Pewdiepies Bayonetta Let’s Play Vid was amazing. Really hyped me for a game that’s 2 years old now... Still not gonna buy a wii tho.
Honestly this article contains minor spoilers in itself...
Kotaku is asking for it...
Think there’s an x-files episode specifically based around this idea.
Should be “Dumb child puts himself in harms way but fortunately isn’t hurt”.
Can’t be sure it’s good cosplay until I see their butts. I mean this in the most professional of ways.
Yeh we all use mics.
“Speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.”
Its an article about what perplexes him about a sad fictional child character from an obscure commercial he came across while looking for a trampoline for his kids who he’s supposed to hate apparently. If that’s not a rant I don’t know what is. If he was speaking…
I wish I could get paid to rant. You’re living the dream, man!
Yesterday... Halfway through playing Doom I tried to remember why I wasn’t playing Overwatch or Total War: Warhammer. Then when I did... I promptly stopped playing Doom.
Companies like this, specifically their I.T. depts, should have arranged routine upgrades to windows 10. Upgrading windows is an unavoidable eventuality if you are into modern games/hardware.
How was $3.1 Million worked out though?
I never used Nick before this DLC and he’s quite a cool companion, I even did his quest line as it was quite interesting. That said I HATE how he doesn’t like me stealing! I love stealing!
Happened to a friend, he tried a save just before the corrupted one and it worked fine. Multiple saves is always the way forward in Bethesda games.