I wonder if you would be okay with Russel Crowe coming to Azelia Bank’s house, threatening his guests with glass... and then getting thrown out and spat at by Azelia Banks?
I wonder if you would be okay with Russel Crowe coming to Azelia Bank’s house, threatening his guests with glass... and then getting thrown out and spat at by Azelia Banks?
She is a woman and a POC who was in conflict with a White Man, so that’s Kara’s perfect wheelhouse of “you can do no wrong”
It’s patronizing because he’s a man and she’s a woman. Right, Kara?
Does the race and gender of the parties involved really matter here? I mean... can we just look at the actual situation? She was threatening people with GLASS. Holy crap...
The mental gymnastics you’re willing to go through to hedge when discussing Azealia Banks is really telling.
Because she’s a woman somehow that makes it less okay to spit on her?
It’s not a helpful comment. It’s a snarky comment meant to get stars on Jezebel.
Yeah because any man you don’t like is probably a pedo. Especially if they take an interest in children’s lives (however pretentious and gendered the interest may be)
The real shame is that I think this country would be much better served if it had a legitimate third party. Unfortunately, the current options are batshit insane.
I’m not sure what planet you’ve been on, but the attitude towards Lohan and especially Amanda Bynes was certainly not “understanding” - in fact neither of them have careers left to speak of.
Honest question, is there a target here that if hit we’ll be happy with?
Do you make the money then?
Perez Hilton is everything wrong with celebrity worship culture.
Currently he has a 10.4 million dollar contract with an additional 4 million in signing bonuses... so yes, I’d say he makes a good living.
If you get through let’s say middle school and don’t have knowledge and understanding that slavery was horrible, then our education system has failed completely.... and no movie is going to make up for that.
Why is this any more acceptable than that?
Wait, so is that equality then? I don’t get it.
Yeah men are the worst, right? God I hate men so much!
Regardless of how anyone feels about the Kardashians and their ilk, this is an absolutely horrifying story and I feel horrible that Kim had to go through it.
I don’t want to derail your “straight white dudes” rant... but Westerns have always been fictionalized/romanticized versions of the 1860s Wild West. It’s a familiar backdrop in fiction and has been ever since Westerns became popular in film. It makes perfect sense that a place like Westworld would exist.