
My first name sounds a bit like the first syllable of my last name and it regularly confuses people. It’s similar to being named Jack Johnson and often being called John.

During his first semester, Dubs is expected to gain about 30 pounds, pee in public multiple times, run around without clothing and clumsily hump some coeds all while making it to every football game without ever stepping foot in a classroom. Which is exactly how my first semester went.

Here Are The New Kits the USMNT Will Went At The World Cup

But that 460 calorie muffin is primarily sugar and simple carbohydrates. Given the absence of protein and complex carbs, your premise that it will “keep you going all morning” is probably not accurate.

I feel like mocking the “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” angle only works when somebody criticizes an athlete for having a beer, or there’s a boobie on TV. When you’re talking about kids walking to school in the dark and being at greater risk, it’s pretty appropriate to think of the children.

And it’s still nice to have for days when you’re too hungover to teach!

I’m not a football guy, but I was struck by how much more crisp, fast and accurate Kaepernick’s throws were compared to Manziel’s.

“And now it’s turning into a league big guys at every position.”

That’s amazing.

It’s insane. The fat, old President of the United States is on Twitter saying, “Nuh-uh! I can beat YOU up!”

Sure, but the “relative to their respective sport” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in your post.

First I told one, then I “made number 2.” HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Jay Cutler killed it on the Dolphins last season. Just kidding.

LeBron scores 27 points a game and Crosby barely averages one.

After that slog, I was just happy it was ending.

I agree, Hole Hearted.

I hate to admit this, but upon rewatching GATTACA, I was way more bored than I was in 1997.

I can’t speak for this guy’s rationale, but some people on the registry are people who got caught peeing in an alley, or dated a 15 year old with an angry dad when they were 18. I’d like to see the rules, as they pertain to these groups, changed.

I don’t know about Splinter, but the story was literally at the top of CNN’s masthead with a giant photo of Gaskill and a headline hailing him as a hero. There were also stories about him on NPR and in then NYT, in addition to all the usual conservative sites.

Thanks for being reasonable. It was an interesting question to ponder.