
Nobody with money on Rae Sloane? Thandie seems a good fit for that character...

In order to avoid ungreying someone whose entire comment history is the equivalent of “well, actually,” I amend my original comment to say only that murder is the number one cause of death for pregnant women.

Yeah, he notes that he was 35, like the clock was ticking, but leaves out that she was not (she’s almost 10 years younger than him).

I’m not sure we were given enough information to say whether she broke the cycle of abuse because of or despite cps intervention.

I love Glass’s commentary on how vocal fry is interpreted: “If people are having a problem with these reporters on the radio, what it means is they’re old.” 

May he rest in peace. I’ll always remember him as Andie’s dad in “Pretty in Pink”.

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:

The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.

Whatever, they’re both in eastern Europe...

I’d say “imagine being this retarded”, but you, my friend? You don’t have to imagine at all.

You can thank Jennifer Lopez for starting that with JLo. Meanwhile, please see yourself out.

Is Sterling K. Brown too old for the gig? He’d be great.

You chose a dumb ass hill to die on.

They’re saving him for a good Joker movie.

What awful nickname did you have as a kid?

Yeah the Overton window has moved significantly on healthcare.

That’s not the definition of mansplaining as explained to me by so many women I’ve discussed it with. What you define in the first paragraph is just run-of-the-mill condescending behavior. Frankly, I’ve seen as much of that from women in the workplace as from men. I was under the impression that “mansplaining” is when

He kept accusing her of having sex with her male friends because he was projecting his sexual interest in her on to her. Her mother asked her about it because her mother’s an adult and understood what was going on better than Bev. He was probably under It’s influence when he actually went after her, but It was just

Woah. Sounds like a deleted scene from The Paper Chase.

It’s basically this or nothing, as Marvel doesn’t actually have the rights to solo Hulk movies.