I think this is going to be ‘Heathers’ in name only. So really it’ll be ‘Glee’ without singing and dancing.
I think this is going to be ‘Heathers’ in name only. So really it’ll be ‘Glee’ without singing and dancing.
I know, the books are better, right?
This logic I understand. I often ask myself, if Jeffrey Dahmer hated boys so much, why did he eat them?
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he…
This isn’t strategic. This is a narcissist striking back at an enemy (Obama’s remarks must have cut him real deep). Avenging his ego is vastly more important to him than running an effective campaign.
Yes. Specifically one in which internet memes and knee-jerking are substituted for actual knowledge and reading ability.
This is a post about someone saying, “This is how men often talk and it doesn’t mean anything.” Having someone come in and say, “This is not how men talk, and my experience proves that,” is both on topic and helpful to the conversation.
That’s because his campaign is now solely aimed at hardening his fringe brand loyalty - to transfer them into Trump TV subscribers - and not winning the election, no matter the collateral damage.
i call that the “sysadmin”, facial hair that replaces an actual jaw.
I can fap to this.
These people don’t support Trump; they support that he gives them a seemingly legit outlet for their hate.
Samson had good hair tho.
I should rephrase: I’ve experienced the low-tier versions of that stuff. It feels like a spectrum of male players being unusually nice towards female characters, which is what the story is largely about.
The point of catcalling is not to impress women. It’s to impress other men.
Oh shit. That makes them the exact same age as Ivanka.
Also, Regency world and a ride with a Darcybot. Cons: he’s too proud.
She did say unless someone in her household needs her, and you know, tomorrow is Columbus Day, and the kids will be home from school.
I love Aasif Mandvi, but ... c’mon, dude. Trump didn’t just “insult hot white women.” He bragged about committing serial sexual assault.
Um, he’s bragging about committing sexual assault against actual human women. It is legit despicable.
Once again, Ted Cruz shows off his incredible sense of timing.