
The reason you see it in professional settings is because that is the setting in which people reasonably expectat that they will be treated with a baseline level of assumption of their competence in the topic at hand, whatever that professional topic may be. If we’re both accountants, until one of us proves

You’re correct. In order for something to be mansplaining, the topic must be something the mansplainer knows the woman has expertise. So something like, they are colleagues in the same field and the topic is something basic that someone in their field would naturally be informed about. Or, with a stranger - this is

I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to have to baby one’s spouse, and not even over anything real. Jesus it’s not like this is a beloved recipe from childhood that she’s just now discovering was shit all along and this means her mom was a terrible cook and she never even knew it.

You posted a comment politicizing a natural disaster to complain about people politicizing natural disasters?

Has no bearing, since Bran already absolutely is not the NK.

Could also be that they needed it to be the same guy in both roles and if the NK is supposed to be a Stark, they needed a guy who, if he doesn’t really look Starkish, at least doesn’t look like a Frey. The first NK was much better in costume but IRL he’s very Frey.

Definitely the person currently playing NK but all you saw was his eyes change, like he changed the baby’s eyes. They have other unique qualities, physically speaking. So, possible that the rest of the changes are something else. He didn’t have to stabbinate the baby to change its eyes, just lightly touch him with his

I don’t think we should claim that the Others is the collective name for the entire group. It really isn’t. The lack of clarity - Others vs White Walkers and also the wights - may or may not be intentional, but if you read the first place they’re really discussed in the section where Old Nan is talking about them to

I mean he wasn’t styled like the books with the gold teeth and the blue hair and beard but he was dramatic and cheesy and stood out, so you could see why Daenerys noticed him. Other guy was indistinguishable from every other guy and had no flair. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t attractive but he wouldn’t have caught her

Daario 1.0. Also Ajax in Deadpool.

Fucked too soon, got it out of their systems years ago, so now it’s all up to talent and natural chemistry, and both aren’t exactly plentiful with these two.

The bones reflect the tools used to remove them.

Who would the giant in stone armor with the blood-filled helm be in this scenario? Gregor was not present, and had a head at the time.

There’s a vision Bran has in A Game of Thrones:

Gendry doesn’t have to die. Someone with an extant claim to the throne would have to legitimize him, or else he’d actually need a faction behind him. He has neither of those things. If someone does legitimize him it’ll be as head (and neck, torso, lower extremities, etc) of House Baratheon, and have nothing to do with

Viserion is the prince that was promised.

Same place he got the ice javelin. He was prepared, knew he was getting his dragon, he’s a greenseer.

Yep, they made a deal.

Nah SebStan needs to do Episodes 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7.

Well, yes, I do think “I didn’t like it,” which is about your own opinion, is different from “it is overrated,” which is about other people’s opinions.