
Kind of like my baby boy! He had to have surgery on his hind legs because there were hip issues (he stopped walking at one). He looks normal, can walk and has a little kitty swagger. His front legs are super ripped also.

Omg. More pics please!

If you can spare the time, please KISS THAT BIG FLUFFY BELLY.

"Hey would you like to be a model?"
"Uh, me? Wow, ok sure!"
"Yeah we're in need of plus size models"
#facepalm #disrespected #theotherpalmisforyourface

Wow. It's really freaky how much she looks like her dad.

Best hand cream in the world: L'Occitane en Provence 20% shea butter tube thingy. It's is certifiably (by me) the greatest.

High five! Mexican-Swede with some crazy French-Canadians and Germans thrown in for good measure. When the 2012 bullshit was happening, had a guy say, "I mean your people knew. They knew what was going to happen." He was completely serious, I turned down his offer of a drink.

No more three inch gap between the waistband and my person when I sit down!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I love high waisted pants. Fuck you muffin top. It's over!

It is kind of unfortunate that the Vikings Season 2 premiere is 5 days AFTER Ragnarok.

I bet you say that to all the guys!

thankfully I'm scot/norse so Valhalla I am coming!

Pics of Jormungandr or it didn't happen. I am not accepting pictures of oarfish.

In their defense they thought 3/5 of the African-American category was equal to one of another category.

What is going on? This is the same crap as 1970. Are the republicans so afraid of Hiliary that they going back in time for anmo? I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks about raising a family and being a politican?

I would go husband hunting, but hunting licenses have been really hard to get ever since the local husband population was decimated by chick flicks and demancaveification.

I'm thinking Selena isn't in rehab for her love for Bieber but for the drugs she did with him.

Am I allowed to ask which one?

My great-grandpa murdered at least one person (if not more) because he was a horrific human. But shit, I'm not that guy. I'd be pissed if someone demanded I apologize for his shitty existence.

And we didn't even get rich off it. We're still descended-from-pikey white trash. Except

Overheard at the party I attended: "Does EVERYTHING have to be about sexism with girls and women? The only thing this ad is teaching girls is that they aren't okay the way they are". A woman said this, while holding her 4 year old daughter.