
I’ve always struggled to accept why it’s seen as okay to bear the flag of what was literally a secessionist movement, which wanted to win a war against the host nation. What’s the worst that could happen if it were banned?

Heat’s not an issue for me, fire barely gets used. More an ornamental shelf if nothing else.

Did you enjoy it?

Wow, Ingruber really does look the part. Kinda feel like Ehrenreich is more “Cousin of Robb Stark” than “Han Solo minus time”.

Emmy, GG and SAG, according to the wiki - and wow, definitely a relevant material to this story. Thanks a lot Gio, I’ll endeavour.

Thanks, they’re definitely on my radar now.

I recently went from my burnt-out PS3 to a PS4, I really want Tokyo Jungle on PS4, didn’t get enough time with it at all.

So, I don’t have a good read on this - do we think Halle Berry is a “good actor”? I put it like that because sometimes actors become like friends we like to see every once in a while, and sometimes we look at those friends and think “Wow. Where did THAT come from”, either one is fine. Or maybe you have another

...and makes sure everyone who follows them gets an Instagram update.

The tale continues of the manchild who thought that if he bought all the Zoltar machines and fed them quarters everyday that he would be able to carry on misunderstanding what the movie was about while remaining permanently a 13-year-old in his own head.

“bleeding heart, pacifist liberals”

“’Course, everyone knows you can spot the bad ones coming, so we here at the NRA have a range of hats available with next-day shipping. For recognizing the good ones. Put on your hat.”

June 2017:

I’d not heard of Battlefoam before, quick look at their site looks interesting - thanks!

Feldherr was what I thought too, seeing as they seem to be ubiquitous wherever I go look for foam inserts.

I’ve seen the Feldherr, they might be what we go with - I was shopping around, seeing if there were alternatives that work.

As someone who has stored their X-wing minis on a mantlepiece over the fire since purchase, the “priceless” thing is something I get! Ta muchly.

R U Mike Ashley’s plain clothes account?

Depends. Orgasm MA or Orgasm RI? Oh who am I kidding, it’d be KY with him.