
“We need professional help.” P.J. O’Rourke.

Quick, someone tell the DNC to rename it “Reagancare”.

Luke I gotta ask, where did the storage solution for the ships come from(Asking for a friend who needs to source something for X-wing)?

Bloody hell. I mean, well done Alyson, that is great.

(It’s been a long, hard day so far.)


Until the day she died, my Grandmother made drip coffee by filling up the filter with instant. I only knew about this because she told me while asking whether or not my Grandfather was wrong to consider using it for teabags.

[checks to see if there is already a trademark application on “Trump Trafficking”]

Or in the Trump kids’ case:

shooting at a pit bull that was charging at them 

Got married on a beach we weren’t supposed to because of the wealthy locals, trying to not step on driftwood while our musical choices were piped out of an iPod dock half-buried in the sand, with no guests other than bemused dog-walkers.

Gawker Media

Now playing

Watches clips of himself and tuts gently “You made it” while rocking back and forward.

OF COURSE no poors, can you imagine the choices? The bad food, the hair, the Tiffa

It’s a team sport now. Not that everyone is on the team, just that everyone wants to cheer a team, because that’s what they’re used to and when they cheer their team it feels good to them. So there’s nobody worse to a fan than another team that is so indignant as to attempt to stop their team from “winning”.

I mean, it’s also the current GOP answer to people using guns for “nefarious” means - “what we need is a GOOD guy with a gun...”.

Isn’t this the plot of the 2nd Hulk movie?

Depending on the neighbours and my mood, God/Dog from New Vegas: Dead Money.