
Party is party to these hacks(Doesn’t seem to matter which party really), and party comes before nation, because they think one will be loyal to them if they stay loyal to it. I kinda still like Chuck Schumer, but lately I do feel like I’m just waiting for him to sell the farm so he can buy magic beans.

I will endeavour. Thanks.

[muses on “being the one that is leaving” despite being the one remaining after the other leaves]

Dune was pretty much my first PC gaming experience(Came free with purchase), and it blew my mind with the melancholic, pervasive aesthetics. It was right at the cusp of FMV being small enough to fit on the optical discs PCs suddenly had access to, so Dune now seems to be a weird sort of monument to a direction for

I know the tradition at family get-togethers is to “put your weapons down” and just have a civil “nice” time, but I’m of a mind to think that is exactly how we got to here. Not feeling empowered to discuss(Not lecture), and help shape the world around ourselves has left a vacuum - in a real sense because of how

“Too far to see someone different”, vs. “Too close to do anything but”.

I read it the first time, and when you posted it I refreshed myself and re-read the Harris comments that started the ball rolling for that article. If you’re saying you don’t know how to articulate yourself further, maybe take up a night class. If you’re saying you’re afraid of saying in your own words how it makes

When did I make a sweeping generalization about people who were not Muslim? I feel like you’re afraid, and I have no idea why that would be.

Also, and I can’t believe I’m having to point this out - I said “so you’re spamming”, because you dropped me a link, twice, with no idea from you as to what you intended from it.

Wait - why am I leaving? I asked you a serious question after you left me the link the first time, and then you decided you didn’t want any part of this.

No. Stop. Come back. We’re not done hearing your sweeping generalizations about religion on the comments page of news of a dead girl before you run away some more.

OIC we’re just spamming then. Great work.

I don’t know what you expect me to say here...I mean, you appear to have dragged “racism” into this for reasons I’m none too clear on yet, but also decided to bolster your position that here, is the best place to say “but I think she was born into one of the worst ones”(I mean your words were “most fucked up” but

Okay, you’re coming at this from a process angle, I’m coming at this from an angle where anything called road rage is a dilution of responsibility because it implicitly involves the idea that “the car had something to do with this”, as opposed to the truth, which is that a car is only as dangerous as the driver.

also pls send Jared, the batteree fell from remote again and secret service are just grinning when I tell them

had to go to kitchen to fire staff for putting vegetabls in my 3am TBLT - did anything happen?

The venal slob has two constituencies - the rich idiots who paid for him, and the poor idiots who elected him as “a symbol”. Any attempt to actually reach anyone else immediately sets fire to the President’s ladder made of pure dumbfuckery.

Yeah, when I read the original outrage I thought back to times when - no joke - I’ve lost months at a time to intense hayfever. It can be astonishingly intense and destroyed a lot of friendships because all people could see was their own idea of hayfever, and not me.

Eep. Thanks muchly.