
Some of us have lives.. wives, girlfriends, jobs.. you know, the things you'll never have.
Goodbye bitch boy. You're boring and not too bright.
I know you have plenty of time to answer 100 more times, but I've better things to do than play with you SPED Kids.

It's like the Reading Room for Retards here…

Damn, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

No, it's because you're childish.
The "AV" in AV club must mean All the Village idiots.

… and then you say that.
Skillet, meet pot.

Trying to get your participation trophy Skippy?

In other words, you can't actually refute what i say so you say something stupid and put "you know" at the end.
I get it. LOL

"Like OMG I don't agree with you and I don't have anything that make sense to say so you must be Hitler or something."
LMAO Grow up little girl.

Yes it must be much easier living in your world of no responsibility. .
Your name says it all.

It's the "bottom line" because those are the facts.
Get over it.

Bottom line, if it was a black man called "black boy" their would be a huge uproar, people fired and corporate sued.
That IS a double standard. It's fact.
And yes, it's happened multiple times.