@Charlie Jane Anders: So jealous. :S
@Charlie Jane Anders: So jealous. :S
@Jakooboo eats Daleks for breakfast.: You think everything looks like Daleks. :P
Should be "Chrome OS's" in the second line. The hanging ' is only for plurals, not words/abbreviations that just happen to end with an S. #corrections
@kingalces: /chortle
@Malcontent79: I won't date a girl that doesn't enjoy classic Sci-Fi. Not worth the stress. Also: I will build this for my children.
AT-AT, not At-At. #corrections
@Tony Chavez: According to the show's Wiki, it's been picked up for a second series.
The 8GB iPod Touch normally retails for $220.00, not $288.00 #corrections
@crazypills77: I'm checking every TJ Maxx within 50 miles of me tomorrow for this, TYVM. /proud member of the "$499? HA! Bring it down to $399 and THEN I'll consider it" crowd.
@grosser.meister.morti: No, that's pretty much how American teenagers are. Excessive drinking is the norm, if my olde high school is to be believed.
Vote: Meebo for Android
That scene gets me every time. /tear
Anyone else having problems downloading this update? Is there a minimum amount of storage space needed or something that I'm not seeing listed anywhere?
Kuh-thoo-loo, not Kih-too-loo. Kids these days not learning how to properly pronounce the names of the Elder Gods. /facepalm
@brett108: As @thekeith82, "I think you have misunderstood something of science there. Science isn't usually done with an end result in mind, other than to find things out. They aren't 'dabbling in politics', they're doing science. That's what they do. "
I figured that everyone already knew about this, otherwise there'd've been screenies on launch day. :S
I am The Doctor and you are the Tree-leks!
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: Hamil was Ozai?! Mind. Blown.
@crosis101: Saccharine is terrible, though.
@99TelepodProblems: /squee