Pssst, Kanye. Your wife didn’t become famous for cancer research. At least Amber Rose owns her past, where as your wife pretends hers didn’t exist.
Pssst, Kanye. Your wife didn’t become famous for cancer research. At least Amber Rose owns her past, where as your wife pretends hers didn’t exist.
How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!
Not Chapstick, but Carmex. First you do it because all your friends do and the next thing you know, you are hooked.
I think the Mafia had a hand in it. Bobby was coming for them and instead of killing Bobby, which would have cause an insane outrage, they killed Jack, which, in effect neutered Bobby.
Does this one qualify as a conspiracy? I thought this was sort of established at this point. (I’m also an idiot so I may be way off on this)
I believe the children are our future.
That William Randolph Hearst had congress make weed illegal so that the hemp paper mills had to shut down and all the newspaper companies had to buy his wood-pulp paper.
I believe the primary governments of the world maintain perpetual states of war to maintain an industry and moral that provides the governing class with its lifestyle and that they see the world as three populations: 1. Governing class; 2. Governed class; 3. Expendable class.
#whocares #silverlivesdontmatter