Insert Clever Username Here

At least upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10.

People who aren’t online all the time don’t use ad blockers so that’s not going to be an issue for people like our parents, elderly etc. There’s a large percentage of people who are online all the time and don’t even use it.

Not sports related but snow-machine related (to keep a 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon chain going), there’s also Jeremy Renner getting run over by his own Snow Cat (basically the grooming machines at ski mountains) yesterday too.

My heart goes out to his family. I’ve been a fan of Block’s since I was a skateboarding teen in the 90’s. Sad to see another hero of mine leave. 

It sounds like he died like he lived, absolutely on the edge. Fucking Legend. 

This Sin S1.

Why do youtubers all look like tinder swindlers 

That’s so my style. I remember once when I was a DJ in a shit bar a drunk guy wanted to fight me becaue I wasn’t playing his fucking stupid Offspring song, so after a while I had to flag a bouncer and I ended up playing it as he was getting kicked out, interrupting whatever was playing at the time just to put it on

With enough inattention to maintenance, every engine can have cutaways for learning, even a Wartsila:

Counterpoint - my 6 lug Mazda truck from 1988 vs. my 2012 Odyssey, with 5 lugs.

if people are cheering when you wreck a car you are either in stock car racing or have been a huge douche nozzle in traffic.

So apparently it got even weirder as after the media storm hit, the judge threw the lead trial attorney for the county’s State’s attorney out his courtroom because his wife has seen that the attorney had liked some of the tweets critical of the judge. Because of that he didn’t feel like he could be fair towards the

You’re kinder than me. I want asshole rapists punished. Put ‘em in jail. If they’re scared that they might be raped, turnabout is fair play.

I’m not sure of the laws in the States, but up here in Canada Mr. Flaten has a pretty solid complaint and the owner can pound sand with this paying in pennies nonsense. The rules for using coins to pay are:

You should have driven the previous gen. This gen was a big step up. Which still isn’t saying much.

Yeah, give the PR guy a raise. This was probably cheaper than buying a TV ad and I’m sure will sway a lot more buyers to shop at their dealership instead. 

I’m sure the PR value they’ll get from this is far above what the car cost them.

What I don’t understand about all of this is how did the driver of the RV not notice the drag which must have occurred. Seriously, what kind of RV has the power to, basically, drag this Jeep that fast? 

I don’t know why but given all that shittiness in the past 24 hours, this picture made me really happy.