Insert Clever Username Here

Please tell me where you find a 200 for under $30k and doesn’t have 1/4 million miles please, lol. But yes, an LX would be nice, but depending on what they are needing, I would go back further and say an LX450 or an 80 series land cruiser (I personally own a built 80). These can be had built quite nicely for under

The current 4runner is the longest generation at 14 years (started in 2010), but has had a face lift per say in 2014. Else it has been the same design for around 7 years until the next gen on average. Though I do believe a 6th gen is coming out in the next year or 2.

All the rest have a generational change about every

People who have mall crawler Jeep Wranglers. Why do you spend $10k on wheels, tires, bumpers, a winch, lights, etc... only to never see a dirt road? Why do you feel the need to be a pavement princess and collect rubber ducks like they are Pokemon? Don’t get me wrong about the no doors aspect... it’s a fun feature to

I am not a LR guy at all. Too many mechanical issues to overcome. Yet, I am with you about the LR Defender. My Toyota loyalty has me saying no, but those things are classics and just down right badass. I support your cause.

That pic of Zuck has N64 GoldenEye written all over it

Sorry, but because the mom and dad are on the same energy level doesn’t relay to the child that “dad is busy working but we are doing the best we can and that’s good enough.” Nope. Get that bullshit out of here. That child wonders why dad doesn’t spend more time with him and why he isn’t around as much. Possibly

I just bought a used 4runner last week out of Cincinnati. I know my credit score. I know what I was approved for at my bank. So when I walked in and they said they would give me $2500 for my car, I asked for my keys so I could leave (way to low). He asked what I have to have for it and I said $6k. They came back at

What’s really sad is that the world as we know it has SOOOO many machines still on Win7 that have not and will not be updated or replaced.

I would beg to differ on one perspective... older generations click on any and everything because they don’t know any better. So they have ad blockers. But they also have the coupon bar. And the search bar from Yahoo!... and Bing. They have it all! And by all, I mean virus, malware and the like.

people feel the need to be heard. you’re doing a great job of being a prick at a moment where people feel somewhat connected to someone who enjoyed doing what he did. the mourning process is to look back and celebrate the life and legacy of a person.

please do us all a favor and not keep up the shitty work. we all

3rd gen T4R’s are my favorite, but they have their issues. This has a sport hood and the dash button for a rear locker (which implies a sport edition package), but I do not believe that package ever came with a manual transmission.

As for the go anywhere portion from the seller... no. It will not go anywhere you want

‘94 LC owner here... This truck given the condition is worth this all day every day. Clean, rust free under carriage is huge to the value. As for the head gasket, these typically get done around the 200k mark... as well as a lot of people want an EGR delete, knuckles rebuilt and taking care of the PHH (pesky heater

Triple locked FJ80... for you common folk, the 1990-1997 models.

Ex GF of mine had a 7th gen Chevy Malibu. She told me changing the bulbs in her headlights was a huge pain in the ass and that her dad (mechanically inclined gentleman) told her next time to take it to a dealer because he would never do it again.

I’m from a small-ish town in the country. For the most part, police will just tell you to keep it (quads and dirt bikes) off the main roads and go about your way. But to be honest, aren’t we a little too strict on this policy these days? Mandate a few safety features (a flag, turn signals, horn, etc...) and make them

Let’s say you checked your headlights/taillights before you head out one night. Then, while driving, you get pulled over and given a ticket/cause a wreck. You were being preventative and doing routine maintenance per say. Same could be said about this guy. Key take away, don’t assume.

Empowered? I guess it’s perfectly fine to steal cars these days and no one should give 2 shits less? If the fucking idiots hadn’t stolen the car to begin with, then this wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t be talking about it would we? Furthermore, if someone stole YOUR car, I’m sure you would want it back. That’s

And you got to be a keyboard warrior. Here’s your participation trophy. Do you feel better now?

Why is David Tracy not writing this article and overly excited?

Don’t forget the Typhoon either!